Chapter 10 : Another murder

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The next morning Ryan arrived at school and also found out that last night Lydia who was in his house mysterious travelled to the pool and found a dead body .

Thinking about the possibility that Deucalion is the one who is doing all of this Ryan is in confusion.

'Why does he need to sacrifice?? He is not that stupid to do something like this ......'

Ryan entered the boys’ changing room to get ready for a marathon

And he was just in time to hear Stiles say

"And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life! Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!"

"All right, I'll do it." Danny spoke at the same time closing his locker. The two boys exchanged a look,

"What, are you—" Stiles cleared his throat, "— are you serious?"

"Come to my place at nine. Plan to stay the night," Danny smiled at the two, "I like to cuddle."

"Yeah, that is so sweet," Stiles spoke, "are you kidding?"

"Yes! I'm kidding!" Danny exclaimed, exasperatedly to Stiles.

The boy just laughed as Stiles turned to them, offended, "okay, you know, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, It's not attractive, all right?"

Danny walked away with an amused smile tugging at his lips while Stiles raised his brows at Ryan and Scott who began laughing. "Yeah, very funny."

"It really was," Scott nodded just as Isaac entered the room. Coach looked at him, "Mr. Lahey, Mr Maxwell, happy to have you both back! Not happy that you're late."

Isaac shot him an apologetic look, "sorry, Coach..."

"Sure coach " Ryan replied rolling his eyes

"I'll remind you all,"

Coach turned to face the other students with a stern look on his face,

"Cross-country is not optional for lacrosse players! I don't need you turning into a bunch of fat-asses in the off season..."

He then paused and cleared his throat, "so work on that..."


Ryan found himself standing with Scott, Stiles and Isaac who was bending down and tying his laces. Just then, coach blew the whistle and the students began running.

Isaac was about to take off without them when Scott stopped him,

"Isaac, wait!"

"It's them,"

Isaac said, turning to the three boys then he swatted Scott's hand away from his shoulder and began running after the twins. Scott stared at his back while he went further out of sight,

"Isaac, wait!"

"He's not gonna wait,"

Ryan spoke up from beside him

"let's go."

With that, he took off after Isaac along with Scott.

Ethan and Aiden were fast which pushed Isaac to run faster as they led him in a direction where the other students weren't going. Ryan and Scott slowed down, narrowing their eyes at the twins’ action. Within the next second, both Isaac and the twins were out of their sight.

They ran in the direction where they went just in time to find Isaac kneeling on the ground with Aiden on a side while Ethan on another as they held him.

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