Part 4, First Contact

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??? POV:

Walking through the forest at night, I keep looking up at the stars, I don't know why but I have for the past two years, it's almost become an obsession of mine,

I look up at the night sky, but something's off, the stars are falling, no, it's raining fire, and ones coming this way,


???: ahh!

I fall to the ground as a loud booming sound is heard and deafens me, getting up, I look in the distance and see a plume of smoke, something crashed down in the distance,

I start making my way toward the plume of smoke,

Kara's POV:

I finally come to, clutching my head, I feel a massive amount of pain and blood,

Kara: Roland, you okay?

Roland: considering I'm an A.I. and a computer program, I feel just peachy, you on the other hand, you've suffered a head concussion and your left shoulder has been impaled

Kara: my shoulder...

Looking, I find a large piece of metal through my shoulder, and start to panic,

Kara: ha ha *nervous laughter*

I reach and grab the piece of metal,

Roland: I wouldn't do that

Kara: ahh!

I then yank out the metal from my shoulder and scream in pain, and begin to cry,

Getting up from and trying to walk, but fall down onto the ground, clutching my head again, I then remember something,

Kara: Riley!

Looking up and around the ship, I find him, but sadly he's already gone, I crawl over to him and cry, my best friend is dead,

*time skip*

I spent the last two hours patching myself up and burying Riley, has everything truly failed, the station is destroyed and has crashed down to earth, Spyglass is gone, and now Riley, what's left,

Kara: is there any point in continuing on after this?

Roland: ...

Kara: you were supposed to say yes and give me hope to carry on, but I guess everything's hopeless when even the A.I. isn't saying anything

Roland: no, sorry, it's not hopeless, we still might have a chance, I was thinking and calculating the trajectory of the station

Kara: and?

Roland: The station might not be completely destroyed, plus, four of the six specimen capsules were successfully ejected, if we can find the capsules, we can get samples and hope to whatever being of fate that the stations laboratory is still operational

Kara: and if it's not?

Roland: there's always you, though the implications of the next generation aren't good if you know what I mean

I do, though the idea of repopulating the human race alone isn't very appealing, it might be our only option, but still,

Kara: alright, we'll try and find the station and the capsules, I'm just the backup plan, and unappealing as that sounds

Roland: that's understandable, though, without modern technology, the risks are now very high for you

Kara: let's discuss this later, and after we find the fate of the specimen capsules and or laboratory

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