Part 1, Time to wake up

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PA: wake up presager active, administrating stimulant

???: what, ow

Looking to my right, I see a little needle inject something into my arm, then retract, then the cryo pods door opens, sitting up, I feel the very cold,

???: ah, Commander Kara, your awake

Kara: Roland, that you?

Roland: who else would it be, look to your right

Looking to my right, I see a yellow blur, everything is a bit blurry at the moment, but as my eyes adjust, I can see Roland standing on his pedestal,

Looking to my right, I see a yellow blur, everything is a bit blurry at the moment, but as my eyes adjust, I can see Roland standing on his pedestal,

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Kara: good to see you, Roland, when did you activate?

Roland: one year ago as of ten minutes ago

I became saddened at the news of his one-year activation,

Kara: that long already

Roland: don't be sad, you knew I'd only be active for seven years, we still got six years to go

Kara: yeah, but you're the only one I got to talk to, you were also made from the memories of my dad, so you're like family to me

Roland: I understand, the thought of only having seven years to live doesn't make me happy, but we have a job to do, you'll find clothes on the table, come to the bridge when you're ready

Kara: what about my old things?

Roland: everything is already in your room

Kara: even my T...

Roland: yes

Kara: Okay, good to know

And with our conversation concluded, Roland leaves the room, I try and get out of the pod and take my first step in however long, but I slip and fall, ow, with some effort, I'm able to stand and walk, making my way to the table, I get dressed, guess I lost some weight and muscle mass because my old clothes seem a bit bigger and loser than I remember,

After getting dressed, I head out into the infirmary and from there into the atrium,

???: welcome aboard Commander Kara

Said a slight machine-like voice, turning I'm greeted with my old little project,

Said a slight machine-like voice, turning I'm greeted with my old little project,

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