Lesson 39

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*Beacon Academy

*Evan POV

The six of us arrived at Beacon Academy where we finished our food and drinks and threw our rubbish into a bin outside the Academy

Noire: what's our first lesson for the day?

Noire asked me after she threw her sweet drink into the rubbish bin. I looked at my scroll for our first lesson

Evan: Looks like Peter Port

Valiant: that boring old man?

Evan: unfortunately yes

I replied while sighing in disappointment

Glorious: what should we do? Should we skip the lesson? we can like hang out at the toilets until the lesson ends

Glorious suggested, earning some approval

Valiant: I agree with Glorious. Anything to not attend that old man's lesson

Noire: If I remember correctly, there is a training room for the students here to hone their skills perhaps we can train there for this Vytal festival that is coming up

Evan: I do remember Glynda saying something about a training room. maybe we can develop new moves there, maybe even our team move

Nepgear: Are we actually doing it? Skipping class? What if we get caught?

Nepgear asked, feeling a little uncomfortable

Noire: just for this once only

Evan: if we get caught, we'll carry out our punishment together as a team

Before we could go change to our combat outfits, the PA system rang and Ozpin's voice came over the PA system

Ozpin: will Teams EVGL and FNBT report to my office immediately

Ozpin's voice sounded through the PA system

Nepgear: have we been caught already?

Noire: I doubt it

Evan: only one way to find out

I said before heading off to Ozpin office with my team following behind me


*Ozpin office - Beacon Academy

We stepped out of the elevator where found the old man himself and Team FNBT talking about things

Ozpin: Team EVGL. you six please take seat

Ozpin said and we sat down on six chairs that were in front of his desk and wait for him to start briefing on us about why we're here in the first place

Ozpin: now I presume that you eleven are now wondering why I called you out here in the first place correct

Ozpin asked us and we nodded our heads

Evan: yes. what's going on professor?

Ozpin: the reason why I called you all here is that i would like to give you a proposal

Ozpin replied, making our eyes widen

Francis: Proposal?

Ozpin: yes. a proposal

Evan: what proposal?

I asked as Ozpin sipped his mug

Ozpin: the Beacon Dance of the Vytal festival is coming and we need people to protect us from threats like Atlas

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