the signs as teachers

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aries: way too angry gym teacher who wears tiny shorts and shouts all the time and makes you run 30 laps if you're even two seconds late to class

taurus: the bio teacher who actually loves every being no matter how big or small, is excited about everything and their students love them

gemini: teaches legit every modern language possible and is always super busy because of how many classes they teach but they're super fun

cancer: the history teacher who can remember 1719238 dates but forgets to show up to class half the time and always gets sided tracked and just gives the students random life lessons

leo: chemistry teacher who doesn't really know what's going on ever and just really likes to blow shit up and nearly burns down the lab at least once a day

virgo: the drama teacher who wants everything to be PERFECT and drinks WAY TOO MUCH COFFEE

libra: business teacher who is a secret millionaire because they invested money in stocks years ago and just teaches because they love it, it gives important money management advice to students and always wears fab clothes

scorpio: the math teacher who hates their job and just wants to go home to watch say yes to the dress and toddlers and tiaras

sagittarius: the really young physics teacher who's actually kinda hot but is such a nerd. you can't have a normal conversation without it turning into something way to smart to understand

capricorn: economics teacher who is way too into politics and their class hardly teaches anything relevant but they could all tell you about any current affair in the world at any given time

aquarius: the crazy english teacher who wears mismatched socks and hipster classes who stands on desks and makes speeches that will change your life

pisces: the music teacher who's way too good to be a teacher and should go pro but just wants a steady income so they can settle down with their partner

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