Chapter 23 : Going Back to Seoul...

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Third Person's P.O.V

•||The Next Morning||•

Jungkook was the first one to get up as he remembered how last time means yesterday his husband was the one who wake him up, which is not good so today he asked rose to give him a alarm clock as he set the alarm of early morning so that today he can wake his husband just like he or any wife should be doing..

Being a sleep lover, Jungkook is still very sleepy and already found this morning worst but he can't do anything about it..This is not his home it's basically his in-laws home even though they are still at the hotel but he is married that means now he doesn't have any connection with his family and so his old habits need to adapt change in order to survive in his new life phase..

Jungkook look at the other side of the bed and there his husband was sleeping soundly..His whole face was puffy with drool on the corner of his..The site is definately not fascinating but looking at his husband Jungkook felt a kind of relief passing through his heart knowing that his husband is having a good sleep..Droppy eyes and puffy face are always a sign of good sleep...

30 minutes later..

Jungkook came out of the washroom all fresh up and done with his make-up..Being a newly wed it's mandatory to look very presentable atleast till two months of marriage, make up is just one of the requirements...

His bangs were still wet as he didn't use drier, not wanting to disturb his husband's sleep because of the voice.. Jungkook after keeping his laundary in the basket saw the time..It was 09 : 00 am.. which means he should wake his husband otherwise they will be late for breakfast...

Today they are leaving for Seoul, the flight is at evening and so all the family members thought to share the last breakfast together at the hotel after that all will be engaged in packing...The guests flights are at afternoon so it will be pretty hectic before they leave for Seoul..

Seoul, thinking about the name only is giving chills to Jungkook's spine..The place which was his home is now feeling very foreign to him and the sad part is he don't even know why? Nothing is changing except for that his place of staying now will be his husband's home...It will be same season's, it will be same morning and night, it will be same festivals, it will be same roads and streets but the only thing that will be changing is people...He will be migrating to his husband's residence...

Today will be his official first day at his in-laws..Even though his first day went two days back as his marriage was a destination wedding but his official first day will be tomorrow at Seoul, Past days after the wedding he was in relief knowing his Eomma, appa, brother and sister-in-law is at same place as him but from today, only after few hours, he will be all alone with new people and new home...

Jungkook was lost in his thoughts with eyes going little teary and heart feeling heavy that he didn't notice the sound of second alarm ringing and his husband's groans..

Taehyung being irritated with the sound opened his eyes and saw his husband standing infront of the mirror staring out in space...

"Jungkook?" Taehyung's deep morning voice startled Jungkook..

Jungkook kept his hands on his heart which was beating rapidly because of the sudden voice and look at his husband who was now seated on the bed head against the headboard...

"Yes? Do you need something?" Jungkook asked like a proper wife..

"No, but you were being absent-minded.." Taehyung shook his head saying..

"Ohh! I am so sorry actually-" Jungkook was cutt-off by his husband..

"Why are you apologising for this silly reasons?" Taehyung confusingly asked not liking his husband always apologising

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