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Priestess, mikos, shamans.

They were known by many names around the world, but one thing everyone agreed on was that they were pure.

They were ritual leaders, consoles, and protectors.

Priestesses were trained to perform tasks, the ones where they cleansed humanity from impurity.

And Y/n was supposed to do just that.

About 100 years ago, on a bright, but cold night, a baby was abandoned in front of a temple belonging to a convent full of the best priest and priestess.

It was a full moon and the light illuminating upon the infant caused an illusion of ethereal beauty. Seeing this as a sign of great fortune, the temple took pity on the abandoned infant and took her in to bestow her a favorable path in life.

What was supposed to be a blessing was a curse in disguise.

The baby was raised to perform the duties of a priestess with utter perfection. Mistakes were not allowed and rules must be obeyed. That was engraved into the child's head the moment she learned how to talk.

She couldn't go out and play with her fellow priestess because if she did, she'd lose focus on her studies.

She couldn't eat sweets because it would taint her pure body.

She couldn't have fun at all because it was immodest.

And if she disobeyed...

Every day, a new bruise formed on her body from the number of times she was hit by her mentors. If she missed the slightest step in her rituals, she knew not to expect dinner for the next three days. If she couldn't cleanse a fellow follower, she was slapped by the priest who loved to wear expensive rings.

Y/n always wondered if her convent really held pure intentions as other priests and priestesses. Were they really a good, religious group?

If they claimed to be, why were they so harsh on her?

Why did the scheme people?

When Y/n asked them, they told her it was because mistakes couldn't be afforded to humans if there were demons out in the world.

And mistakes shouldn't exist when saving a life.

Forced to endure this lifestyle, Y/n grew into a strong young lady. She grew to be one of the best priestesses, earning a lot of publicity for her fellow convent.

She was able to purify souls, fight evil, and speak to the deceased. Her elders and mentors now loved her, showering her with praises and gifts because of the reputation she was able to bring, just like they predicted that night they found her.

Y/n was living like a princess in the temple, and a celebrity in the streets. Though it may sound perfect, it was not.

When there was admiration, there was envy.

The other priestesses were jealous. So jealous they found ways to torment the girl, either mentally, physically, or spiritually. Due to the harsh treatment from her 'siblings' and past mentors, Y/n, unfortunately, grew numb to pain.

She grew so numb to it, she wouldn't even realize she was bleeding and enduring broken bones.

But if she was being abused so unjustly, why didn't she defend herself?

Why didn't she fight back?

She was the most talented priestess in the temple, couldn't she protect herself from the inferior ones?

Well, yes, but Y/n didn't want to because—

"I care for them." The pre-teen smiled with half-lidded eyes.

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