The Very First day

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I was think about sneaking outside to get out and away from dad. But I had a problem, he was home... In the living room... "Ooo, I have an idea, I can break the roof!"

Bad Dad/ "What was that Uzi!?"

"Bite me dad, nothing!" 😒
Ugh, he never respects my privacy.
What do I have here? Wait, my wrench that dad gave me! Ok now I have to find a spot to break. Here is one.. now I need to hit it. I hit it about four times and it broke? Dang the roof is really easy to destroy. Shouldn't that be a safety hazzard? Anyway- I grabbed my RAILGUN and left.

Bad Dad/
I was just sitting on the couch reading about doooors then I heard a loud thump. But it was coming from Uzi's room!? " Uzi what happened, what was loud thumping!? No reply... As I ran over to her doooor, I heard struggling!? I swung open the doooor and to my surprise, she was gone!? "UZI!!" I look up and the roof was broken!?

"Finally, I was able to get away from that place. Now strait to business, I need to find N. He might be hunting? I don't know, but let's get searching!

"Bye V I'm going hunting!" ... Welp she didn't say bye back but, it's okay! Now I have to go out and hunt for some food for me and V! As I'm looking above the ground I smell some oil! I fly down to it but it is just leftover food. "Awww man there's no oil at all!" It was only just a few drops, so I flew back up into the sky and restarted my search.

Ugh! Why can't I find him! Shouldn't he be on search for food now!? I guess I will just keep walking until I find him...

"I'm getting sooo hungry!" I mean I can't imagine how hungry V can be too. Wait!... I hear foot steps! As I'm waiting for the worker drone to get closer I float in the air and just wait...

Uzi x N ( The best couple ever)Where stories live. Discover now