He Knows

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The soft shell was happily skipping down the halls of the school with the headphone blasting some rockin tunes. "Hey August!" Donnie turns off the music as they walk up to him.

But something seemed to snap inside the brunette and pull the turtle into the broom closet, away from everyone. "Shh, don't call me that in school. In Front of other people it's April. You understand, nerd?" April pins Don into the wall with a low threatening voice.

"Y-yeah, got it." Donnie just stood there completely baffled by the human's sudden uncharacteristic actions.

"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have gotten attached to that name. As a spy, I can't afford to get attached to people. It's all fake anyways. Then, why does it make me happy when they call me that?" April thought.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry if I offended you. What would you like me to call you?" Donnie asked.

"No no I'm sorry. Work has made me stressed lately and... I'm not sure what I want to be." The brunette looks away.

"I know what it feels like to hide a part of yourself from the world." Donnie admits quietly.

"You do?" April looks at Don as her grip loosens.

"Yes, because I'm... I-I'm a m-" Donnie struggles to say.

"Wait, don't. I know that you have a big secret and I can't be honest with you. It's best if we just go our separate ways before someone gets hurt." April interrupts.

"I could never hate you." Donnie holds onto the brunette's hand without a second thought.

"That's the first time Donnie's ever held my hand like this. No, no, don't get attached. I'm so close to finding the 'doctor' and as soon as I find him, I'll have to leave. Form a whole new identity for the next mission. I don't know how my mom was able to handle this back when she was still around." April thought.

"No matter what, I'll always care about you." Donnie snuggles the human's hand with a soft purr.

"You're too sweet. I don't deserve a friend like you." April kisses their own two fingers and boops Don's nose for an indirect kiss.

"Thanks, I get my sugar rush just by the sight of your addictive smile." Donnie jokes.

"Ha, no problem and in private. You can call me August. See you around cutie." The human walks away with a wink.

"Alright, see you around August." Donnie waves. "Sigh, I hope he'll be able to get things in order soon." The soft shell walks out of the broom closet with butterflies in the stomach.

"Hey guys! You want to join the Sando Brothers gym?!" A buff crab yells at the students just trying to walk by.

"Carl, quit stealing my club members!" Ben yells at his brother.

"Ben you dodo brain. We work at the same gym. We both get the same club members." Carl responded.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Hey you in purple, don't walk away! Don't you want to be seen as the roughest toughest man out there, like me." Ben jumps in front of the turtle, flexing and doing some curl ups with a very huge weight.

"No." Donnie said unimpressed.

"What?! You dare question the mighty power of the Sando Brothers!" Ben looked absolutely offended.

"Quick get out the bigger weights!" Carl and his bro work out like crazy with random lockers nearby.

"Please stop yelling." Donnie chimes in as they put back on the noise canceling headphones.

"Want to try out the ballet class? My other friend couldn't make it so you could take his place." A huge snapping turtle who was as big as the crabs, walked over to Don.

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