Double Date

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"What do I do? Sure, April's sweet, kind, strong enough to sweep me off my feet and I love it if we ride off into the sunset on a horse." Donnie thought as they worked on a sculpture in the art room.

"But she's also a spy that will kill me if I even know one of those top secret government information. What should I do? I already heard all the most deadly secrets in her mind. Gasp, what if she works for the E.F.P?! I'm so dead!" Donnie started to freak out internally.

"Is that supposed to be April?" Mikey stopped painting to point at the sculpture Don was working on.

"No! It's uh... August." Donnie lies on the spot. "Y-yeah, he's a student at a different school. You wouldn't know and he's definitely 'not' somebody I made up. Just look at this jaw line." The soft shell changed the face of the clay as rapidly as possible.

"Who are you trying to fool?" Mikey asked with a raised brow.

"Donnie! Help, I'm too popular." Leo ran into the art room.

"Oh no, the... horror? Am I missing something?" Donnie was left feeling completely baffled.

"It's horrible because I'm in a love triangle. Can you please go on a double date with me so I can 'test drive' which one is better?" Leo asked.

"Eh, I don't. I'm not the best when it comes to people." Donnie deadpanned.

"Oh come on. It's not like you got to marry the guy. Just be my wing-man for the night and that's it. Easy as cake because there's just so much to talk about me." Leo bragged.

"Can't you get Mike to do it instead?" Donnie pleads.

"No can do. I already got a boyfriend." Mikey explains simply.

"Sigh. Fine, I'll do it." Donnie said in defeat.

"I knew I could count on you!" Leo yells out as he punches his shoulder.

"Ow, I already said yes." Donnie rubs their arm.

Later, at the restaurant:

"So, what's your idea of a wild night?" Danny flirts.

"I don't know. Maybe after this we could hold hands... without gloves." Donnie admits shyly.

"Cheese Louise, you're pathetic. When's my turn with Leo?" Danny thought as he turned around to see the others on their date.

"It was just me against five but I didn't let that stop me. At the last second I swung my hockey stick and made the winning goal!" Casey recalled the story to Leo.

"Wow, that's amazing! What led you to play hockey in the first place?" Leo question.

"Well, it all started when-" Casey began to say.

"My turn." Danny interrupted by kicking her off the seat.

"Hey! I still got 20 minutes with him." Casey pushed the rat off the chair.

"Too bad. My date's boring and you cut off my time as well!" Danny argued.

"Why else do you think I was in such a hurry to leave!" Casey barked back.

"Sigh, I knew this was a bad idea." Donnie mutters to themself as the human and rat continue to fight.

"Anything else I can get you?" The waiter asked.

"Oh, I uh- April is that you?" Donnie said as soon as she turned around.

"Who's April? I'm just your friendly neighborhood waiter, August." He said with a shrug. "How did Don see through my disguise? It's almost like they can hear my every thought." April thinks behind her waiter mask.

"S-sorry sir. I thought you were someone else." Donnie quickly averts the subject. "Why is April pretending like she doesn't know me? Oh that sharp tuxedo she's wearing must be because she's on a mission." The soft shell reason in their head.

"It's fine. I'm sure your friend is a wonderful person to be compared to." August laughed lightly. "Dang it April. That was way too over the top! The point of being under cover is to appear as if you 'belong here'." She chastised herself in her mind.

"Hehe, yeah 'she's' the best." Donnie said with a smile.

"Want some garlic bread? It's on the house." August offered.

"Holy banana pancakes. You're now my new favorite person." Donnie happily took a bite of one of the crunchy sliced bread.

"No problem, you just look like you could need it." August sat next to him.

"Tell me about it. I didn't even want to be here. What about you? How's life been treating you?" Donnie asked after playing with their fingers.

"Great, I just started working here. Not much else to say." August shrugged. "I've been snooping around this place for weeks to find that mob boss. As soon as I find him I'll smash him into pudding." April plans out all the outcomes of the mission to herself.

"Wow, you're so cool." Donnie looked at him with sparkles in their eyes.

"You're not bad yourself, pancake." August winks to the turtle.

"Aw thanks." Donnie blushes.

"How about you? What makes the great Donatella tick?" August asked as he got closer with a smirk.

"Oh uh, not many people care to ask." Donnie gets a bit flustered at the close contact.

"I care." August holds onto the turtle's frilly sleeves.

"Well I..." Donnie began to say but then noticed a red dragon acting suspicious from across the room.

"Ha, these fools don't know what's coming. In 20 minutes they will all be blown up to pieces!" The dragon thought.

"I think you should check that bag over there." Donnie pointed out.

"Why?" August asked.

"Uh because there might be something that doesn't belong there." Donnie struggled to say.

"Ok?" August goes to check it out.

"Dude, the chicks are fighting. You have to record this for the internet." Leo tells Don from behind the booth, with an enthusiastic grin.

"Shh, I'm not interested in chicks right now." Donnie whispers back as they push the slider's hand away. Looking at August/ April approaching the scene.

August looks in the bag and finds the bomb. Then quickly deactivate it.

"Hey that's mine!" The dragon roared out.

"You had too many to drink." August sneakily knocks out the dragon with a single strike to make it look like the punk was just woozy to the customers. "Nothing to see here folks!" Then the 'waiter' drags him out with the bomb to get rid of it out the back door.

"Phew, that could have been a disaster." Donnie mumbles to themself.

"Oh I see. You're into crazy nut jobs." Leo assumed.

"August is not crazy." Donnie rebutted.

"I never said it was August. You like him! August and Donnie sitting in a tree. K.I.S.S.I.N.G." Leo teased.

"It's uh, complicated." Donnie covers their blushing face.

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