A Spy

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"There he is. Just communicate like we practiced." Mikey pointed to Leo as he spoke.

"Ok, I can do this." Donnie tells himself.

"Louder! I can't hear you!" Mikey demands like an angry football coach.

"I can do this!" Donnie yells out as he marches up to Leo. "Hey."

"Oh hey Don. Can I help you?" Leo asked.

"...Nope, I can't do it!" All of Donnie's confidence deflates. Then runs away as fast as they're legs can carry.

"Where are you going?" Mikey asked.

"Uh, the bathroom? Be right back!" Donnie yells out from the distance.

"Well that was weird." Leo shrugs as he continues with eating his sandwich.

"That turtle just can't communicate." Mikey sighed with head shaking in disappointment.

Meanwhile, when Donnie finally made it to the school's bathrooms.

"Sigh, I need to be alone. Oops, can't go into the boy's room. People will think I'm a weirdo but I also can't go in the girl's room. Uhh..." Donnie looks back and forth between the two doors.

Then all of a sudden, April came out of the boys bathroom. "Oh, hey Dee. In case you were wondering, the girl's room ran out of toilet paper." April said.

"Oh, g-good to know. Wow, you look so handsome. I mean lovely! I mean manly! I-I mean... I'll shut up now." Donnie blurts out in a flustered panic.

"Aw, thank you. I just bought this new binder. Makes me as flat as a book." April jokes.

"No problem. Oh by the way. Do you know anything about Kendra?" Donnie asked after his heart finally settled down.

"Just that she throws all the big parties around. Why?" April tells the turtle.

"Well you know how sometimes people aren't always who they seem to be but you can't prove that they are that thing. So then you're just left feeling like a crazy person because nobody believes you." Donnie explains in the most roundabout way.

"Are you saying that Kendra's a jerk?" April assumed.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Donnie snaps her fingers in acknowledgement.

"That's a pretty crazy theory you got there. I'm in, we'll need to have a stake out and look for clues in order to prove your innocence." April said with burning passion.

"Wow, you sure do know a lot about detective work." Donnie complemented.

"Oh you know, I just go by what I see on t.v." April shrugs casually. "Phew, hope they buy that. No way the spy organization will accept me if I blow my first cover." She thought.

"A spy?!" Donnie thought with a shocked face.

"What's with the face?" April question.

"Uh n-nothing..." Donnie was at a loss for words.

"There you are. Come on Donnie, we need to settle the bad blood. I got five other appointments with other friends to go to." Mikey walks to them.

"Bad blood?" April raised an eyebrow.

"It's not that bad. Although it could be better." Donnie mutters.

"Then we better get to work." Mikey exclaimed as he rested his arms on both of their shoulders.


"Target on the move." Mikey whispers to Don in the bush.

"Target on sight. Take the shoot." Donnie commanded in his headset.

"Locked and loaded." April shoots the camera to take the photo.

"Chill out you guys. It's just a photo." Leo deadpans.

"It's not just a 'photo'. It's criminal dating evidence." Donnie explains to him.

"Like hacking for test answers, illegal drone racing and worst of all. Stealing money from the vending machine by hacking it so nobody can get their soda." April list off.

"You got all that from just watching a club meeting? You sure you guys aren't just over exaggerating." Leo said in disbelief.

"Don't be blinded by the popularity. It's all about reading in between the lines." Mikey explains.

"Hear for yourself." Donnie hands over the earpiece device to Leo.

"Ok?" Leo listens closely to the speaker.

"Haha, can you believe that gullible golden boy?" Kendra laughed with her friends in the club room.

"Almost as lame as his confused step sibling." Jason mocked.

"I know right? Obviously Don's a boy. Have you heard his singing voice? It's smooth like butter." Jeremy reminisce.

"No way, Don has to be a girl. Have you seen how thick those hips are? They can dance for days." Jason argues.

"Guys focus!" Kendra slams the table to get their attention. "We have to think of a way to pin the blame on the 'step twins' for our next heist? Otherwise-" She begins to demand until.

"Otherwise what?" Leo opens the door and storms in.

"O-otherwise we'll have to give them cake because they're our favorite people in the whole wide world. Oh hey Leo, what brings you around here?" Kendra pretends that she was talking about something else.

"Save it. I heard everything." Leo admits with a stern tone.

"Well, you see the thing is... Scattered!" Kendra yells as the other club members run away.

"Oh no you don't." April sets off the trap and the Purple Dragon gang get caught in a net.

"Hot soup! You just got played, son." Mikey mocked the gang.

"Wow, can't believe you were right Don. Sorry I ever doubted you." Leo apologized.

"No problem, it's not like you knew." Donnie said feeling like they said this exact line to hundreds of people before.

"By the way, how did you know what was going on in the first place though? They fooled everybody else." April asked in suspicion.

"Uh... Oh look, a distraction! Who's up for pizza?" Donnie blurts out on the spot.

"Me!" Mikey exclaimed as he jumped for joy.

"I could eat." Leo agrees.

"Hmm, best just to play along for now." April thought. "I know a great pizza place we can go to." She said as she and her friends all walked out the door.

"Uh, hello? You guys forgot about us." Jason quips out from the net.

"Shut up Jason." Kendra said in annoyance.

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