Chapter 57~ it doesnt have to be this way

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Chapter 57:

Lauren's pov

" Marilyn! Are you kidding me! You trust her?!" I said furious.
" yeah, your dad said she was experienced or something like that. " Alex said clueless.
" Alex she hates me! She's goin to hurt Jason or Ariana or Alfredo. She's going to hurt one of them to hurt me." I said freaking out.
" trust me, it's going to be fine, Jason has a good gang they ain't gon let anything happen."
I started to feel sick.
" shit." I felt like I was going to throw up.
I ran to the bathroom.
That's exactly what I did.
But this time it was hurting me.
And I started puking blood.
Well that's not normal...
" Alex." I called him in.
" what? Oh my god Lauren, are you okay?!" Alex kneeled down to me.
" call Matt. And tell him I'm puking blood and I'm in pain." I said getting the urge to puke again.
" alright hold in there." Alex pat my back.
" thanks." I started coughing up blood.
I couldn't help but cry. I was in too much pain. I hate it. Jason isn't here. Alex hates me. Marilyn took my spot. Everything about this sucks.
" alright Matt said that it's okay if you're puking blood, it's getting everything out of your system. He said you should only puke once or twice today and then you'll be fine." Alex said.
" ugh why the hell do I have to go through this." I said holding my head.
" you'll be okay." Alex said walking out the bathroom.
" thanks for the support dick." I whispered.
" you're welcome!" His voice echoed.
" fucking hate him." I whispered as I puked again.
I finally got up and went to the living room.
" where Tyler?" I asked alex.
" I didn't bring the whole fam. He's at home with his new girl." Alex said eating pretzels.
" oh really?" I raised my eyebrows.
" yeah. She's a bitch." Alex said walking in the living room.
" what's her name?"
" it's like Alyssa or Melissa something like that I don't remember." Alex said throwing pretzels up in the air and catching them in his mouth.
" how's Mandy?"
" good."
" is she getting a baby bump yet?"
" yeah, not that big but it's noticing."
" awe."
" yup." 
" so why exactly do I have to be here?" I asked sitting down.
" you live here?" Alex said walking over by me.
" why can't I be in the mission with Jason?"
" because you're hurt. No one wants you to get overwhelmed "
Alex walked out.
" hey Alex can you umm get me a blanket up in my room? I don't feel like walking I'm sorta dizzy." I said planning something out.
" sure." He ran up the stairs.
I got up and made my move to the garage door.
I locked the garage door and got a pair of keys out of the cabinet to the mustang.
I got in the car quickly and opened the garage door and went to back out until Alex closed the garage door.
" out now." He yelled.
" no! I need to go get him!" I said opening the garage door again.
" Lauren don't make me come out there." Alex said getting mad.
" Alex I'm leaving." I said backing out and pulling out to the street.
I drove out and towards my old house.
I looked in the rear mirror and didn't see Alex's car.
I pulled up to the old house and it was dark.
I walked in and no one was there.
This is dangerous but this is the only way I'm going to find the address to where they are.
I walked up to my room and grabbed a bag.
Clothes, a blanket, my pillow, my diary ( yes I had a diary), brush, and some sneakers. After I was done packing that I went into Paul's room.
It smelled disgusting in here, straight dude smell.
I looked around, I grabbed the last redhawk thing there was, and Jason has that.
I went to the living room.
It's been so long since I've been in the house, just me, no drama, no Paul, no Jason, just me.
I went to my moms office and opened it with my necklace.
I went over to her desk and searched the drawers. In the middle drawer at the bottom I found some envelopes.
They said my name on them.
So I opened them.

" dear my grandchild,

             Your grandmother and I've been waiting to see you. We feel horrible about the accident, we are just happy that everyone is okay. We hope to have you over soon again. We miss you and have planned a lot of stuff to do! Tell your brother Tyler we said hello, we love you, please call or write back.
Pappy and gram
Grandparents? My mom told me they died. Maybe they did... But what if they are alive? I need to find them, maybe they know stuff about Paul.
I got up and looked around the room to see if there was any pictures.
The only thing I saw was a picture frame of my mom, my dad, my moms sister and dad's sister and two elders. Maybe that's my moms parents. Pappy and grams.
So my dad knows them I can just ask him.
I turned around and Jason was standing right there.
" oh my god you just scared the shit out of me."  I said trying to catch my breathe.
" come on we have to go." Jason said grabbing my hand.
I left the note and I left the picture frame. Jason locked the door.
" hold on I have to grab my bag." I said running upstairs grabbing the bag,
" alright." I said walking up to him.
" let's go." He sounded mad.
" no Alex is going to be mad at me I don't want to go home." I said stopping.
" we aren't going home come on." Jason said grabbing my hand and leading me outside.
It's still freezing outside.
" where are we going?" I asked getting in the car.
" you're going to the airport and you're getting on my jet to go to your dad's house with Marilyn, you aren't going to argue with me because I made my mind up, I have to go back and do the mission without you or Marilyn because you can't stay at a house without leaving and causing problems. Lauren I will be fine ,you don't have to worry about me, you are going to get along with Marilyn and have fun with your father and sooner or later we will be together again." Jason said looking in my eyes.
My eyes started to tear up a little bit.
" Jason no you can't just push me away like this." I said as he drove closer and closer to the airport.
" im not pushing you I'm protecting you and right now this is life or death and if it's me or you it's going to be me dying and you living. You have so much to live for and I don't want to be the one to take that from you. I love you more than life Lauren and I hate seeing you hurt. It literally kills me inside. So you're going to get on that jet and you're going to be nice to Marilyn and I promise princess I'll see you soon." Jason said leaning in and kissing me.
" I love you." I said out of the kiss.
" I packed you a suitcase. " Jason said unlocking the door.
" alright." I wiped a tear from my eyes and got out the car.
" hey guys." Marilyn came walking over.
" hi." I said sweetly.
" ready doll face?" She asked.
" yeah give me a second."
She walked to the jet.
" I'll miss you." Jason said looking looking down at me.
" Jason." I started to cry.
" come on don't cry princess." He said wiping my tears.
" don't get hurt. I love you." I kissed him still crying.
" I love you too Lauren. " I grabbed my bag, my suite case and jacket and walked towards the jet.
It took everything out of me not turn around and just stay with him, but I knew he wouldn't want me to so I went up on the jet and rick started up.
" bye." I waved to him and let out one last silent cry until the jet took off and we were gone.
Rick started the jet and Jason drove away speedily.
" WAIT RICK!" I said standing up.

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