Chapter 51- bad to worse

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Lauren's pov:

So Ariana and I are on our way to the building at the training place, we are going to be  drilling at the two vents, we got the chips in our ears for everyone to communicate with each other.
" we have to climb up the fire exit when it comes to actually doing the mission, we have a ladder right now." Ariana said as a guy brought outa huge ladder.
This place was about 3 stories high, it didn't show detail it was just white, just a blueprint replica but this training is going to help me big time.
The plan is that when we get to the top, there is three vents, we can't go down the middle one because that leads to the living room, the two on the side lead to the basement where we will plant the bomb. When we plant the bomb we have to scope the basement for anyone on guard, then if Jason needs help we will go up, if he doesn't we set the bomb and get out. I have a laser in my one pocket and a gun in another one. My gloves are teal. Ariana has the bomb.
" be careful." Jason said holding the ladder as i went up.
" I'm fine." I laughed and went a little faster to keep up with Ariana.
" don't look down." Alfredo called out.
" shut the fuck up dude." Jason said.
We got to the top and gave a thumbs up.
" okay can everyone hear me?" Ana spoke on the chip.
" yes." Everyone replied.
" okay, we are going to have the girls go down first, Alfredo and joe scope around the building and take out any other cameras around the area, I'll be able to hack into them and change some stuff around when it comes to the day. Jason you are going to go in and check the place out, when Alfredo and joe come that's when you go and kill."
" okay let's do this."
" whenever you're ready girls." Ana said.
" okay let's do this." We both grabbed the lasers out the pocket and cut the top vent off.
Ariana planted our wire steak about 5 feet from the vent then we attached our wires.
" let's do this." I grinned.
" going down." Ariana said as we both lowered down in our own vents.
It seemed like this vent was getting more and more narrow going down which worried me big time... But I wasn't about to ruin this for everyone.
" okay half way through." Ariana said.
" Lauren?" Ana hesitated.
" copy."
" okay boys go ahead." Ana said.

I got to the end of the vent and I could see through to the basement floor.
" I'm all the way down."
" okay get you laser and cut off the screws, but make sure the vent door doesn't go slamming down." Ariana said.
" okay."
" Jason go." Ana said.
" roger that."Jason responded.
" 10/4" Ana answered.
" copy." Jason said.
" guys stop! " Ariana said over the microphone.
" damn." Jason said with a laugh.
" okay focus, I have the vent door open now what?"
" you won't have any walls to lead you down, just very slowly and gently go down. Get your fun ready." Ariana said.
" k" I pressed the button and slowly lowered.
" two by left entrance." Ariana whispered.
" I got left"
" one, two."
We both shot on three and the guys turned around and saw their wristbands said they were hit.
Ariana waved and we were both finally on the ground.
I unlocked myself from the wire and went over to Ariana.
" okay, we have to plant this bomb in an open area, elevated, close to the middle of the house." Ariana said showing me the bomb.
" okay let's look." I put my gun in ready position and walked into another room.
" you guys are clear for the whole basement, there is no one else down there, plant the bomb." Ana said.
" okay follow me." I lead Ariana to the staircase where there was a room that seemed big enough.
" close enough to center." Ana said.
" okay when you plant a bomb, you always need to keep it tricked out, make sure that if someone got to it that they can disable it, by that you cut this pink wire in the middle about 2 inches and then so when it comes time for us to set it, when someone tries to disable it it's already pre set and can't be undone, make sense?"
" yeah, yeah so how long do we preset it?" I asked.
" I would do 10 minutes." Jason said over the chip.
" but this is our actual bomb for Wednesday so we aren't going to blow this up."
" good idea, you guys can either come up here or go up through the vent." Jason said.
" okay we are going to come up." Ariana said.
We both walked upstairs and there was a couple guys standing guard at the basement door, we shot them down quickly then found Jason, he wanted to do a combat with the guys in the big room. Alfredo and joe came as we walked down the hall. Ariana took the upstairs.
" okay, I don't know how many guys they set up in here so be prepared."
" Ana, make the announcement."Alfredo said.
" okay."
" attention, we are going into combat mode, all wristbands must be switched to off so no weaponry can be used." Ana said over a speaker.
We all turned all wristbands off and our guns away.
We got to a door and Jason kicked it down, 10 guys were in the room in ready position.
We immediately attacked.    
Two guys came at me. I kicked the one dude into the wall and the other one came jumping at me but I just ducked and he fell to the ground.
We all stopped what were doing and looked at each other puzzled.
" come on!" I grabbed his hand and we ran out.
Alfredo and Ana caught up with us and we all rushed up to the office.
" Alex is on the phone! It's not good!" Ana said giving him his phone quickly.
" hello!?" He paced around the room.
" she's not there!"
" Alex where the fuck is she?!"
" BOTH!?"
" what's the fuck alex!"
" how do you know?"
" Jason we just got an email." Alfredo said checking the laptop.
" fuck dude bye." Jason quickly hung his phone up and threw it on the ground.
" guys give us a sec." I said to everyone While Jason paced around.
They all exited quickly and I walked over to him.
" babe? What's wrong?"
" they have my mom and Rylee."
" who?"
" Paul and mike got them. They knew we were going to bomb them. So they are holding my mom and rylee hostage so we won't bomb them. Our mission just became personal." Jason's eyes flickered with darkness as he went to his laptop ignoring his shattered phone on the ground.
This just got bad to worse.

So I have a valuable reason for not posting in forvever.... See I starting dating this boy at the beginning of April but then we broke up on Saturday because he's a straight dick and was really rude & mean to me and was distracting me from writing and everything so I'm back bitchess stronger than ever, and te net chapters are going to be 🔥🔥
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