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It was night time everyone was asleep. The twins decided to sleep with Cecilia as they were angry with Noah.

Cecelia and Alba started working on their laptops. They were trying to find their friend. She's been missing for 1 month.

They suspect Clin and Mike. After a while they didn't find anything. "They're so good at hiding"Alba said. "Well I'm sure that they'll make a mistake. " Cecilia said.

"Well let's talk about you and Noah "Alba said with a smirk. "There's nothing going on between us" Cecilia said. "So your telling me that you don't care what he does?" Alba asked. Cecilia nodded.

"Even if he kisses me or dates me?" Cecilia took some time to think. It would be weird for her sister to date her ex and baby daddy.

"I guess" she said. They sat enjoying each other's company. "So how are you fitting in are you okay? " Cecilia said asking her sister.

"I guess everything is okay. Dad treats me like a real dad. And I like having brothers. I wish I meet them earlier. Anyway what about you?"

She said changing the topic. Cecilia's face went blank. "I'm taking that as you haven't accepted things. Are you still living by Hult's words?" She asked.

Cecilia didn't answer. Alba took that as yes. Well I don't blame you. I expected you to hate them" Alba said honestly.

Cecilia sighed. "I don't hate them. I just can't act like everything is okay. For one they've moved on in life we're just disturbing. They kill people on a daily basis. What guarantee do I have that they wouldn't kill me. You saw the videos of William and Levi killing people. They are so cold. "

"Oh now his William?" Alba asked. "I mean you can't blame me I don't want to get to attached. You know that I have attachment issues" Cecilia said.

"I guess so just try to warm up to them okay" Alba said. "since when were you this mature?" Cecilia asked while wiping her tears. "I don't know" she said.

(Skip Saturday and Sunday)

It was now Monday morning. Cecilia and Alba were starting school today. Cecilia hated the uniform to her guts.

Although she loved the colour. It was a black miniskirt which was a palm above the knee. White hemp with a black blazer.

Her hair in a high ponytail. She wore her white Snickers. Eating her breakfast slowly.

"So Alba Cecilia today is your first day to school are you excited" William asked. Cecilia just nodded not paying attention to him.

Levi saw this and made a mental note to talk to her. Cecilia was filled with fear, worry and anxiety.

She barely ate. All she ate was half a slice of toast. William saw this and sighed. Walking to the car Cecilia and Alba got in.

They got to the school after twenty minutes. They walked to the principles office. "Mr Dior" he beamed.

"Mr Tax " William said. "Oh my goodness" Mr Tax's  smiled widened. "you found the champions. I'm sure we are going to win this season" Mr Tax said. "I'm sure you are"  William said feeling proud.

"You should go start practice tomorrow if that's okay?" Mr Tax said. They both nodded. "great I'll talk to the coach's . Cecilia you'll have a partner" Mr Tax said.

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