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This chapter is dedicated to HeartMoon_Luna

Third person POV

As she stood there trembling. He had shot her sister. Alba laid there with her palm on her shoulder.

He had shot her shoulder and they would take revenge one day. Once they mustered out the confidence.

As he turned to her she felt super scared, nervous and anxious. She did want to die after the changes that happened to her family.

They forgot her. They forgot her.  She didn't blame them because she was unlikeable. They made sure she remembered that for the past three years.

She's now 17 ,a grown adult. Her blonde hair was longer and smoother than before.

She had a generic body. She was still short 5ft5.

She was now Cecilia

No surname what's so ever. Her dreams of marrying Noah were crushed. Noah moved on roughly one year and six months ago.

His dating a brunette girl. Same age as Cecilia. The only people who haven't forgotten her was her triplets.

As Cecilia was overthinking she didn't notice that Hult had just shot her. Before Hult could do anymore damage to Cecilia and Alba the door burst open.

The neighbours had called the police. After the first gunshot. Hult grabbed Cecilia and dragged her to the back door using her as bait.

When they out they threw her. She and Alba were rushed to the hospital.

Time flew by. It's been a day since they've been shot. Both survived. Both awake with a social worker.

"Um so I'll call them and put them on speaker how does that sound mhh?" The social worker said. They both nodded. "Before that how old are you" she asked.

I'm 16turning 17

Cecilia wrote on a paper.

I just turned 16 yesterday

Alba wrote. The social worker nodded. She took out her phone and dialled the number.

William was in his office busy with his paper work. Levi was busy helping him. Noah was getting tips on how to run a mafia business.

William's private phone rang. He looked at it and frowned." Dad answered it and put it on loud speaker" Levi commented.

William did as told. "hello am I speaking to Mr William Dior?" The social worker. William frowned.

"Yes and you are?" Asked William. "Oh I'm a social worker in Los Vegas. I'm calling to report that we have your kids with us" said the social worker.

"What kids " William asked. "Cecilia Dior and Alba Dior"said the social worker. "Cecilia is dead." William said angrily.

"Umm sir she's not dead she's been shot on the shoulder along with Alba. Although Mr Hult and Ms Iris have ran away" she said.

William didn't know what to say. After a while the social worker spoke. "Sir we could put them in the foster system if you want" she said. William sighed.

"I'll have to speak with my family. I'll contact you again after 4 hours"he said. After disconnecting the call he rubbed his forehead.

"So what's it going to be" Levi asked. "I don't know. I don't know what to believe anymore. I really thought she was dead" William said.

"But that would mean the twins were right" Noah said. "meaning?"Levi asked. "Ryker and Romilly kept saying Cecilia is alive and that Hult and Mike wouldn't kill her" Noah said.

"What now? Noah has moved on in life"Levi commented. "let's just have a family meeting " William said.

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