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Will POV

It's been three months since the whole incident. They haven't said a word. Not once.

Although they do interact with the twins. They swap sleeping places. If Conan sleeps Archie Jasper and Cecilia sleep with one of the boys or us.

I was sitting on the bed with my wife Beatriz. We were talking about taking the kids to a psychologist.

I was interrupted by a knock. "Come in" Beatriz said. The door opened revealing my baby girl. " Come here" Beatriz said. She walked to her.

"Can I massage your hair?"Beatriz asked. Cecilia just nodded. I sat on the bed end waiting for Beatriz to come with the oil. I just hugged Cecilia.

She came with two small bowls. Cecilia sat on the floor. Beatriz on a smaller chair.

We massaged each other like that. After roughly half an hour Cecilia fall asleep. I sighed. I picked her up and placed her in the middle.


Cecilia POV

I was in my room pacing around my room. Wait I said my room twice?

I was trying hard not to have a breakdown. Don't panic.

Don't panic

Don't panic


I screamed out as loud as I could. Tears falling down my cheek. I collapsed to the floor. On my knees crying.

I'm sorry I'm not cut out for this. I'm a kid. A kid. I don't deserve this. Ryker came running to me. "Mommy are you alright?" He said.

I tried to give him a smile but I failed at that to. I just placed my forehead on the floor crying.

He ran out of the room. I was hyperventilating. Losing my breath. My eyesight blury.  I felt relieved. I got all my problems.

I felt like a weight has been lifted. "Cecilia" dad came running. "Shhh it's okay" he said. I coughed out and kept crying.

"Anis get Cecilia's inhaler! " He yelled. I couldn't take it anymore. I lied on my back as my vision blurred. "Dad Jasper and Archie are downstairs crying" Roman came running from downstairs I think.

I tried using Saint's techniques. Anis came with my inhaler. I shook my inhaler not wanting to use it. "Cecilia take it you are going to die" dad said.

"I-i d-dont ...w-want to...d-depend on it"I said in between my sobs. I closed my eyes. I imagined myself in a green grass.

With my whole family sitting on the picnic blanket. The warm air.

I could feel myself normalising. I threw my arms across dad. I closed my eyes for a bit. "I'm proud of you baby" he said.

"It's not over. His going to come back" I said. "What do you mean?" Anis asked. "Clin, Irish, Mike and Hult " I mumbled in his embrace.

"I won't let him come near you okay?" He said. I nodded yes. Suddenly the window opened. I frowned my eyebrow.

Suddenly I was grabbed by some guards. Dad did kill some of them. I was drugged by something and fell unconscious.


Thank you so much for the 1,84k views I honestly don't expect it to go over 500. Than you to those who vote can you please comment 🥰

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