Lunch on the roof 🍱, Ch 3

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I heard my alarm go off on my night stand, jeez hearing that thing go off is just annoying. I jumped out bed and packed my book bag with necessary items. As I finished that, I rummaged thru my closet for some clothes "Shun, dear! I packed your bento box!" My mother shouted from downstairs.

"Seriously mom?! I could've done it myself." I sighed.

I rushed to the bathroom to quickly wash my face and brush my teeth. I took my clothes and book bag with me to throw on as soon as I finished freshening up. I made sure I woke up a bit early to see If I saw that guy on the morning train, I'm kinda hoping to run into him. I want to make sure I ask for his name.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed my bento box "Thanks ma!" I shouted as I made sure to grab toast for myself. I dashed down the street as I began eating the toast "Ugh, I forgot to put some strawberry jam on it!" I sighed as I continued walking, and again it took me about 6 to 8 mins to get there. As the train station became visible, I tried my best to try and spot the guy with purple hair but to my luck I didn't. I leaned against the wall feeling a bit disappointed but slightly relieved. I mean I still don't know how to initiate a conversation with the guy.

Less then 3 minutes passed and I was on my phone to pass time but from the corner of my eye i saw a certain someone walk accross me, I glanced to see who it was and to my surprise it was him. It was really him. I felt flushed again as my eyes followed him. He had his headphones on again and carried his bookbag on his left side. Still its like he didn't even notice me, so I continued to stare at him. His eyes were looking forward like he was out in his own world, he also looked a bit tired as a yawn escaped his mouth. I chuckled at the sight thinking I saw something special, until I heard two teenage girls beside me talking about him. Both their faces were blushing as they stared and whispered to one another.

I gritted my teeth and for some reason the whole situation ruined my mood. I saw the guy turn around as he gave them such a cold look. He probably thought they was insulting him behind his back or something.

"Oi! If 'ya got something to say, then say it!" He shouted as he began to turn his whole body around tilting his head, making sure he faced the two of them. The girls just sat there in utter silence with still blushing red faces.

"Tch." He clicked his tounge and sighed out of annoyance as he put his headphones back on.

Right when the whole situation ended the girls were talking about how cold and handsome he was but stopped as soon as they heard the train approach.

Once we got inside the train it was way too crowded. When I say it was crowded, I mean it was crowded crowded. We had to squeeze our way in. I made sure I followed the guy hoping we could have a conversation but that probably wasn't the best idea.. I was pushed by someone who was behind me as I felt my face hit his back, he slowly turned his head as he was looking down at me.

"Uh, s-sorry, I was pushed." I stuttered as I tried my best to avoid his gaze.

"Don't worry about it." He said in a calm voice as he turned his body toward me.

This time it wasn't me that got shoved. It was him. He stubbled towards me as my face hit his chest. Damn am I really that short?! I felt so flustered and embarrassed that I swear I heard my own heart skip a beat.

"Sorry, looks like we're gonna have to stay like this for a while. I can't really move.." he mumbled but I still understood him. I just nodded in response as my head rested on his chest. He smelled so good, just what kind of cologne does this guy use?! I felt my heart flutter once again as my body leaned against his. He's so tall..

The train was wobbling a bit too much to the point where I would stubble a little. I subconsciously clinged onto his shirt to stop myself from tipping over. Realizing what I just did I released my hand from his shirt quick.

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