Chapter 1

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Charlie Bennett got ready for school the way she always does. Up at six so she can run for half an hour. Oatmeal with berries and orange juice at six-forty five and a shower ten minutes later. Dry her hair, pick out clothes, put on sunscreen because skin cancer is real. Scan the newspaper for ten minutes on her iPad to stay informed because she couldn't call herself a journalist and not read The Times. Check her messages, pack her laptop, make sure her phone's fully charged and leave by seven-thirty to make sure she has time for a cup of coffee before class while she waits for Matthew and Emma. She transferred last semester, mainly because they had a better program, but also because it was closer to home and her two best friends from high school.

"An almond milk latte with caramel drizzle, please."

The cashier stared at her blankly. "Nothing to eat?"

Charlie couldn't blame him, he'd probably been hoping for a better tip than the one he was going to get on a single cup of coffee. "Just the coffee. Thank you."

The cup felt strange in her hand. It's plastic, not a paper throwaway or the enormous stainless steel travel mug her dad used to fill to the brim for her each morning, assuming - not incorrectly - that it takes a hulking dose of caffeine to get her ready to tackle the day. Gosh, she should stop coming to this coffee place, those cups were horrible and the coffee was half bad half... tap water? She had been holding her coffee for 10 seconds and already her hand was starting to hurt from the heat plastic couldn't isolate.

"They should really start using paper throwaway cups." She said.

Her friend Emma eyed the cup. "Or we should stop coming to this coffee shop. I heard the one on campus has delicious coffee."

"Charlie, tell Emma she shouldn't be wearing sweaters this time of the year. Looking at her makes me sweat." Matthew said.

"You're always sweaty." Emma defended herself. "Are you finally going to tell us how it went?"

Matthew had asked a girl out a couple days ago. She was a freshman from Florida and Charlie was sure she had never seen someone more tanned. "You didn't make her watch you play World of Warcraft did you?" Teased Emma.

"I only made you do that one time."

"I," Charlie pointed out, "think your nerdy side is kinda cute."

Matthew smiled. "Thank you, Char. And no, I didn't make her watch me play videogames, I took her to a restaurant and she thought I was sweet."

Emma and Charlie smiled and exchanged looks, as if telepathically knowing that "sweet" meant Matthew would get friendzoned again.

"Seriously Matt, you should just accept that you're terrified of women and that's why your dates always end up like Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar acceptance speech," said Emma.

"Emotional and well deserved?"

"No, a one time thing."

Charlie chuckled.

"I'm not scared of women. I'm scared of sharks, hurricanes and false imprisonment." The boy changed the subject, before Emma could find another way to tease him. "Solé is hosting the first talent show of the semester tonight, are you two coming?"

"Oh right, our new go-to coffee shop starting today," Emma stated.

Charlie wasn't in the mood, but then again she never was. Staying in her bedroom catching up on homework or a book sounded way better but she promised herself she would enjoy her last year of college, get the full experience, so yes, she'd be there at Solé even though she'd much rather stay in her dorm.

The Love Letter (girlxgirl) (lesbian story) gxgМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя