Chapter 1

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"Get in."

The masked and hooded figure said. James Bond had just jumped from a window, fleeing a SPECTRE meeting. When suddenly this figure in a black car pulled up in front of him.

"Are you just going to stare or are you going to get in?"

That snapped him from his stunned gaze. He got in the car and shut the door, the unknown person sped off as soon as the door was shut. James felt like he knew this person, he didn't know who this was or how he knew them, but he knew them from somewhere.

"Who are you? Why are you helping me?" He asked, confused at why this mysterious figure would want to help him.

They didn't answer and kept driving, trying to lose the car tailing them. They swerved through the streets, making quick turns to lose the car.

"Open the glove box and shoot these bastards, will you?" The driver said, annoyed at the person tailing them.

James did as he was told and opened the glove box, he found a pistol in it. He turned around and stuck his head out the window and took the shot. He hit the wheel and the car spun off the road into the Tiber. The mysterious person beside him drove a bit more before pulling into an abandoned parking lot.

"Now, do I get to know who you are?" James asked the person beside him, curious to his savior's identity.

They pulled down their hood to reveal a cascade of raven dark curls with a quarter of light blonde on the ends, and then they removed their mask, and said the four words he never could've  expected.

"I'm the money, darling."

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