She got what now

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"It's been 3 months and my sister still haven't made it out of her coma" I told my new BESTFRIEND Taliyah. She just moved here and the kids at our school was trying to bully her so I stood up for her and we been cool ever since.

"It's ok friend I'm sure she gone wake up soon" she said

"I hope so cause I miss her even tho she got on my nerves" I slightly chuckled

" want me to come ova and we can watch movies and eat ice cream or something" she asked

"Yess but come in like 3 hours I'm finna go see my sister in a few"

"Ok I'll be there" she said as we hung up

"Aye miyah you ready to go" Von asked through the door

"Yea Imma be down in a minute" I said

See Von has been taking care of me since that night and if I'm not with him I'm with wop, durk, or booka.

They got they business to attend to so sometimes they switch out to make sho im straight. I keep telling them I'm good but they said they wanna make sho dude don't come back.

I walked downstairs grabbed my bag of grapes and went to the car

"Mmcht why you always fucking wit them grapes mane" Von asked laughing

"Cause their good nigga na drive" I said chuckling

Me and Von got close over the last few months so he like a brother to me now and I'm like a sister to him.


"We're here for Za'riah smith" Von said

"And who are you to her" the lady asked

"Mmcht wo-" I knew von was finna say some outrageous shit so I spoke up

"I'm her sister and he's her boyfriend" I said

"Ok well wait in the waiting room the doctor should be out to talk to you in a minute"the lady said

"Why does he need to talk to us" I asked lowly but loud enough for her to hear

"The doctor told me some people would be here to see her and he needed for me to tell you to wait here. Oh and I was supposed to tell you someone was here earlier claiming to be her uncle"

"What was the name" Von asked before I could say anything.

"Ummmm lemme check right quick... a Mr. David James"

I gasps at the name uncle Dave is bad in town and riah don't know what he did.

I backed up from the reception desk and sat down in the waiting room.

Mini flashback
I was in the ground bleeding the sirens was muffled so they was still far. I wondered if I was gone make it out alive or if I would see my sister again.

Both men ran out one bleeding he took his mask off and that's when my heart fell like he broke into 30,000 pieces.

"U-u-uncle dave" I said as I black out and the sirens was getting louder.

End of flashback

"Miyah miyah MIYAH you good" I heard as I snapped back to reality

"Umm yea juss thin-" I started to say but the doctor came up to us

"So doc what's up" i said

"Well there's two big changes with your sister. 1. She's awake" at that sound I got happy

"Really she's really awake" I said as my eyes filled with tears

Just then them happy tears with sad

"Umm yes Ms smith but umm your sister..." he paused for a minute

"Your sister has amnesia she can't remember anything " he said as I sat back down crying

Von sat next to me comforting me then he asked the doctor "so what do we do"

"Well it's gone be a rough process but if you guys help her to remember who she is that would help. Also take her to familiar places like her hometown or a childhood home. Take her to places that have emotional value and that would be enough to help her remember if not some most of who she is."

"It is imperative that you don't force her or press her to much she can go into shock and shut down again just go slow"

"Ok thanks doctor" Von said as he shook the doctors hand

"No problem, walk with me I'll like to be in the room with y'all"

We walked to her room and she was sitting there watching TV smiling.

I smiled and ran to her bedside

"Riri I missed you" I said with tears in my eyes

"Umm I'm sorry but who are you" she said and hearing that broke my heart but I had to remember what the doctor said

"I'm your sister La'miyah"

"Ummm ok I guess" she said, so if your my sister then who's he" she pointed to Von

"Ummm I'm just a friend" Von said while scratching the back of his neck

I laugh and said "he's actually your boyfriend or atleast he wanna be" I said

"That's nice I mean he is kinda cute" she said smiling at him

Von face a forced smile bck. "Ok we gotta go now visiting hours almost up"

"Love you sis I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I kissed her cheeks and walked off. Von closed the door and we walked outside

Von got is the passenger side and started the car but closed the door. I'm standing there looking at him like he's dumb.

Von rolled down the window "get in the car so we can go home and eat"

I looked at Von like he was crazy but I got in the driver said put on my seat belt and put my hands on the wheel. I froze right there.

"It's ok relax don't over think it, just adjust the seat to whatever makes you comfortable take a few deep breaths make sure your mirrors straight and press your foot lightly on the brake put the car from "P" to "D"."

Believe it or not I started laughing at what he said and he looked at me with a smirk mug and told me to focus m.

"Ok ok but you gotta admit that didn't sound right" he paused shook his head and laughed

"Girl just drive" he said chuckling

"Okok" I did as he told me and the car started moving.

" ok now press the gas just a lil bit, you don't wanna go to fast while we in this cuve at the hospital, and when Turning don't jerk the wheel just guide it softly whatever way you want it to go" he told me

I did as he said and got us to the exit of the hospital I press the brakes lightly til the car stopped. I looked both ways then let up off the brake slowly and pressed the gas softly.

We was 5 minutes into driving and cars was blowing at me and passing us up. Von told me don't worry about it cause they not posed to be driving fast anyways.

"Don't you be doing like 80 in a 50 though Von" I laughed but he mugged me

"Mmcht just drive a lil faster grandma" he chuckled lowly.

"Frl tho miyah you can go ova 20 just make sure if u too close to a car press the brakes softly or if a cars brakes light on press the brakes and if u coming up on a red light press the brakes"

I said ok and started speeding up a lil I was only doing 55 so it was fast but not fast fast

10 minutes passed

We made it to the house and I felt good to be from behind the wheel.

"Look u did good mimi Juss Loosen yo grip on the wheel and you good" he said as he gave me a pat on the back

"It's coo Von but I think I rather be a passenger princess" I told him and he laughed

"Girl go yo ass inna house" he said as we both laughed

Ok y'all wat y'all think about this chapter let me know 😘

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