Preparation to 1530

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Preparation to 1530

Matilda Carey researches the appropriate attire to wear when she journeys back into the time of King Henry The VIII' s court in 1530 and she goes to a custom store and she buys a red tudor style dress and head-piece.

Once she buys that she goes to a coin store and she asks the dealer "What kind of currency did they use in the time of King Henry The VIII."?"

"I believe they used crowns." The dealer tells her.

"How many do you have on hand?" Matilda asks him.

"I have some but not many as only coin collectors ask and collect them." the dealer tells her.

" I need as many as you can give me." Matilda tells him and the dealer shows her what he has on hand and she asks "How much?"

"I tell you what. I will give you a deal on them. How about $100.00." The dealer tells her and Matilda hands the dealer $100.00 bill and she walks out with the crowns in a velvet purse and she returns to her dorm.

The next thing she removes all the present day furnishing out of her sight, removes all the modern day coins out of her possession, and she puts on the Tudor style dress and head-dress and inside of her dress she places the velvet purse with the 200 crowns inside of her dress pocket.

The next thing she does is puts on some medieval music and she turns off the lights and she lays on her bed and she thinks herself back into time.

The next thing that happens when she wakes up is at Greenwich Palace, one of King Henry's favorite palaces next to Hampton Court Palace.

Matilda Carey finds herself in the chamber of Queen Catherine of Aragon and she is asked by Queen Catherine " Milady. Are you alright? One of my ladies found you passed out."

Matilda rises to her feet and she gives a curtsy " Yes. Thank you, Your majesty." Matilda tells Queen Catherine of Aragon."

"What is your name Milady?" Queen Catherine of Aragon asks kindly.

"My name is Matilda Philadelphia Carey." Matilda answers politely.

"Lady Matilda Carey. You seem very loyal to His Majesty, King Henry The VIII of England and to myself." Queen Catherine explains "I am sure if I ask His Grace to make you one of my ladies he will."

Matilda Philadelphia Carey becomes Lady Matilda Philadelphia Carey and when she is introduced to King Henry VIII of England and he asks " Are you related to Sir William Carey, Lady Matilda?"

"I really don't know Sire." Lady Matilda explains, "My father is Robert Carey." Lady Matilda answers.

"Sir William Carey is the son of Sir Thomas Carey and Lady Margaret Spencer and she is the daughter of Lady Eleanor Beaufort and we are third cousins through Lord John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset who was the eldest son of Lord John of Gaunt and his third wife, Katherine." King Henry VIII explains.

"My grandmother, Lady Margaret Beaufort was her first cousin." King Henry VIII tells her.

Lady Matilda just listens and she asks " Sire. I may be distantly related to Sir William Carey." Lady Matilda answers.

"My Queen has taken to you, and for her I will do anything." King Henry VIII tells her.

"My Queen is very pious and religious. She will appoint you to your duties." King Henry VIII tells her.

"My Queen does enjoy music, dancing, singing, card games and needle work." King Henry VIII explains.

"I am at her majesty's disposal." Lady Matilda tells King Henry VIII.

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