The Grand Ball

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Hours went by, and so did the food, plate after plate, course after course. Alyssa felt like she was going to explode, as this was probably the most amount of food she had ever eaten in her life.

She looked to her children and husband. Rhaegar was telling his younger siblings about how Toothless could fly so fast, it sounded like he was breaking the air around them, and the twins seemed enchanted and hooked on every word he said.

"It's as soon as we start speeding up, he hits this point, and the air around us goes boom!" Rhaegar said, slamming his fist into the table to annunciate his point.

The twins mouths fell open in absolute awe.

"Wow! That's so cool!" They both echoed.

Daena on the other hand, seemed to be listening to her father and Harwin Strong, who were telling stories about the battles they had fought in, and the places that they had seen.

She didn't seem that interested in the story itself, until it got to the bits about the two of them together, fighting bandits in the riverlands. Much like her father, Daena loved stories of battle, she would always read the stories of the warrior queen Nymeria and her thousand ships.

"So, what does it sound like when a man dies?" Daena asked.

Harwin and Clement shared a look, a mix of confused and surprised, as this was not the sort of question they believed a 5 year old girl should be asking.

"Well uh, it is something you'll have to learn when you're older" Harwin replied

"Yes, it is not something that you should be asking about at your age my little sweetling." Clement said, smiling at his daughter.

"But what if i am in a position where I have to take a mans life, even at my age I should be prepared, you and mother won't always be with me to protect me." Daena said, solomly.

"But I always will be there to protect you." Rhaegar said, turning to her and placing a hand on his sisters shoulder.

Daena smiled at her brother but looked to her lap. She was not satisfied with that answer, but she realised that at that point, there was not a lot she could do, but that would not be forever, and she was going to make sure of that.

Across the hall, Rhaenyra looked utterly bored with the whole event, she wanted to do something, anything that might have been considered even slightly fun.

Luckily, this came quickly, when it was announced that it was time to begin the dance.

The highborn ladies and gentlemen all gathered into the middle of the great room as the music began swelling into a jovial tune, signalling them to ask one another for a dance.

Clement nodded to Harwin, who nodded back, understanding that for now, he was in charge of the children and their safety.

He made his way across the room to the high table where his wife was sat, and extended a hand.

"My lady, it would be an honour to dance with you." Clement said, with a cheeky grin.

Alyssa chuckled, rolled her eyes and took her husband's hand.

"You're such an arse. 'My lady', I am your wife, you don't have to use such formalities". Alyssa stated, lightly jabbing Clement in his side.

"Yes yes I know but no one here cares for your station, no one seems to care that you're the lady of Runestone, only that you're the princess, daughter of Daemon Targaryen." Clement said.

He was right, all the lords here had addressed her as the princess, rather than make any reference or congratulations to her becoming the Lady of Runestone.

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