The Wedding

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The father and daughter duo continued to race through the streets of the capital, finding small, narrow gaps in which to steer their stallions through at full speed.

Trying to find the paths on its own was an arduous task as the winding, complex streets of King's Landing were packed with hundreds of small folk, all drinking, chatting, and bartering.

But the Rogue Prince and his daughter had no time to waste, so a few of the common folk may have been knocked over while the horses rushed past.

"Shit, I hit another one!" Alyssa shouted.

"Don't worry about them! We need to move faster!" Daemon retorted, storming ahead of Alyssa.

They continued marching through the Capital's heavily cobbled streets, winding, and turning around every corner that they could.

When they reached the main road, however, it was straight through to the castle.

The main street was lined with common folk, wanting to see a glimpse of the lords and ladies who were coming to the wedding, and as such, many did not expect to see the father and daughter sprinting their horse's past.

Luckily this street was the widest of them all, and so they didn't hit anyone on their run down the path.

Many cheered at the sight of Daemon, who they believed had brought order to King's Landing during his tenure as commander of the city watch.

They cheered even louder for the princess, who was beloved among the smallfolk. It was her, that they looked up to most.

It took them, what Alyssa believed to be, another 25 minutes before they reached the gates of the Red Keep, and when they did, the knights and guards who were in the yard were shocked to see the pair.

Preston Briarwood of the King's Guard, who had been sent to find the two, was in the yard also, about to mount his horse.

Ser Preston was a tall, well build knight of Thirty and Five, he was born the fourth son of Lord Alan Briarwood of Foulders Keep in the North. He was good looking, but not particularly attractive. Despite this, he was known as an honourable knight, and a good friend to all he met.

It was Princess Alyssa herself who chose him to be part of the Kingsguard, after seeing him train in Winterfell during her time with the Starks in her youth.

The knight ran over to the two, looking exasperated and out of breath, and quite confused about what the hell was going on.

"My prince, Princess! The king requests your presence at the wedding at once!" Ser Preston stated.

"My apologies, Ser Preston, I was catching up with my father, though if you can call him being an ass catching up." Alyssa replied.

Daemon mouthed what appeared to either be the words 'shut up' or 'fuck off'.

"The king is now insisting that you come in quietly through a backdoor, as you are quite late." Preston explained, out of breath.

Daemon chuckled and placed a hand on Ser Preston's shoulder.

"Well, here we are, Ser Preston, and if you really think, that I am going to make some coy entrance to my favourite nieces wedding, you truly don't know me." Daemon replied.

"I agree with my father, surprisingly. If anyone is going to make an entrance at this wedding. At my best friend's wedding. It will be me." Alyssa said, laughing.

Ser Preston chuckled at her statement, he knew of the closeness of Rhaenyra and Alyssa, and knew she would never go quietly, that was what he admired about her, that she would always do whatever she felt necessary.

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