Chapter 5

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*3rd Pony P.O.V* As rainbow and shy started their shift a pony called them on the phone telling them about many details about their specific job at freddy fazbears diner as the night watch ponies.

things ran smoothly for the first hour considering they listened to somepony talk to them for the entire time, but once the call was stopped, things started to turn for the creepy.

rainbow lifted the tablet and tapped through the camera's only using minimal power, they still had 97% and it seemed to be pretty easy for a job that seemed to cause the other ponies stress.

as she was tapping through the camera's she noticed something wasn't right when she landed on the stage camera....someone was missing.

she tapped a little faster till she saw bonnie in the party hall not too far off stage, she assumed someone got in and just slid him there, so as she was about to step out the door to go put him back, fluttershy stopped her.

"rainbow, what are you doing?, we aren't suppossed to leave our post." she said as she tried to pull rainbow back to her.

"i'm going to put one of those animatronics back where they belong, it's out of place" rainbow said as she started to trot out the door and travel down the hall.

fluttershy sat there in her chair, scared and now alone in the only lit room in the whole building.

she quickly flipped the tablet up to see if she could keep an eye on rainbow and she found her walking past pirates cove.

as she let out a sigh of relief, it was soon pulled back as she saw that the rabbit that rainbow was going to put back had moved to the hall rainbow had just walked out of.

'HOW DID SHE MISS THAT THING?!' shy thought to herself as it seemed that the animatronic rabbit was coming for her.

she quickly closed the left door and hid under the desk, not realising she hadn't closed the right door.

rainbow was in the party room looking for the rabbit when she turns to come face to face with a pair of white dots in the darkness in the corner.

she nearly jumps out of her skin and grabs her flashlight and shine it on the darkness to reveal nothing there.

she sighs in relief as she hears fluttershy scream and she dash's to the security room down the right hall and walks in the open door hitting the button to close it.

"shy?, shy? where are you?" rainbow asked as shy emerged from under the desk, shaken and disturbed.

as she embraces dash, rainbow looks at the left hall window and notices why shy let out her scream.

staring into the window was bonnie, his eyes blackened with bright white dots in the center.

the door was shut so she felt some safety, but something had reminded her of the fact they had limited power.

she quickly picked up the tablet and looked at the power meter and the clock...4:00 A.M.....50% power.

she went into a cold sweat, would she have enough power to keep these things out?, could she save power in any way?

she quickly pulled up the cams and looked into the right hallway to see it clear so she opened the door to save some energy.

shy spoke up then "rainbow, i'm scared" her voice shaken and terrified "i don't want to do this anymore, it isn't fun at all." shy now in tears as she crawled under the desk to hide as rainbow hugged her close.

"listen shy, we will talk to the manager in the morning about these conditions, till then let's just stay alive" rainbow said trying to reassure shy that she was safe, when even rainbow knew that things could only get worse.

Tick,Tock,Tick, the hour went by it was at 5:45 A.M. and bonnie had left the door and was roaming around, his metal feet clanking upon the tiles with every step, Clank, Clank, Clank, Clank.

rainbow and shy both sat in the chair provided to them and kept certain duties...shy would close doors, and rainbow would check the cams for anyone that got close.

as the clock slowly reached 5:59 A.M. rainbow looked at the power gauge and panicked...0% remaining.

the entire facility powered down and they heard metal steps slowly approaching the left side, CLANK, CLANK, CLANK, CLANK.

they held eachother close feeling as if this were their final moments together as 2 eyes and a mouth shone through the darkness and a song came on...a song both the girls knew all too well...the toreador march.

as the tune slowly reached it's closing they held onto eachother tighter and tigher until they heard the clock chime at the hour of 6.

the song ended abruptly and they heard the steps walking away from them, CLANK, CLank, clank, cl....

silence till they heard the lock of the front door being clicked and rainbow and shy both ran to the front door nearly tackling jeremy as he trotted in.


Well?, for a chapter coming back to this book i'd say not too bad....but i could've done better.

i know this book has had no attention's because i'm working on my other trilogy at the moment, so i don't have much time to do a lot of work on this series, but i will find time to do more updates

Go check those out btw, my other books....they are becoming quite popular lately. Death's Cold Embrace, Death's Frozen Veil, & Death's Icy Whisper.

Muffins & Hugs


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