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(flash fiction)

 I run through the forest panting and looking back at what was following me. The sky was dark and cloudy, it looked like blood was painted across the moon and the trees. A screech came from behind me and I kept trying to run faster and faster my body screaming in pain, but my head and heart telling me to get away from danger.

The sounds of breaking branches were getting closer and louder than before. My legs hurt and were searing with pain, but I kept pushing. That dreaded screech sounded again but right in my ear and I stumbled falling onto the ground.

A figure stopped staring down at ms with bright purple eyes and hood over it's head. It reached a hand towards me and started chanting in a language I couldn't understand, my started to burn and I let out a loud scream in pain. My body twitched as this witch chanted louder and louder.

Soon, my body stops twitching and footsteps start to fade away, only the howling wind left to fill the silence. I slowly sit up and groan examining my body frantically panting loudly.

I scramble to my feet and look around for the figure that disappeared, my body felt like it was growing and my skin was burning terribly. I feel something streaming down my face and touch it seeing gold staining my finger tips. The once blood red moon starts to shine a bright blue and my vision becomes dark.

My bones start to crack softly and I let out a scream of pain holding myself leaning against a tree trying to stay standing as my body burns and gold tears fall. Closing my eyes I let out another loud scream and fall onto my side crying.

I feel the gold tears seeping through my eyelids and my bones cracking making loud cracks as my body hits the trees surrounding me. My body grows fur and my heart stops for a second before I stand fully and howl at that bright blue moon looking like a beast that just came back after what felt like years.

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