Episode 12: Unpredictable Outcome

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As Jedi master Mace Windu cut down the pack of Grimm with ease he stumbles upon a cabin with the light turn on. Turning off his lightsaber He decided to ask who ever is inside for guides for he is now in a new world.


Tai: Coming! *opens door* May I help you sir?

Windu: Greetings sir, I was wondering if you can help me on where I am?

Tai: Oh you're in patch. Close to Vale.

Windu: Patch? Vale? What planet am I on?

Tai: What a minute? Are you... not from Remnant?

Windu: If that's this planets name then no.

Tai: Wow I guess that make two who I met who are aliens I guess.

Windu: What do you mean?

Tai: Let's talk inside. The names Tai, Taiyang Xiao Long.

Windu: Mace Windu.

Tai: Well Mr. Windu your lucky for I made lunch.

Time skip

After Windu ate lunch with Tai he was ready to explain his predicament.

Windu: So about earlier you said you meant someone else like me?

Tai: Yes I have. One of my daughters brought in a man during one of her nights. I think is name was Jaune.

This surprise the Jedi master. He heard that a clone name Jaune went MIA but now he now knows what happened to the clone.

Windu: Was he wearing white armor?

Tai: Yes he is.

Windu: I might know who you are talking about. CT-1402 or Jaune for short is a clone trooper of the republic.

Tai: Wait are you a Jedi?

Windu: Indeed I am. I'm a Jedi master of the Jedi order.

Tai: I guess me life keeps getting more interesting than ever. I'll tell you everything I know and where he's at in exchange you tell me about the Jedi order.

Windu: Hmmm... I'll tell you some but very well.

Tai: Thank you, master Jedi.


Jaune: Let me get this straight? You want to investigate on why the White Fang are in Vale and are doing with all the dust they have?

Blake: Yes.

Jaune: Oh my god.

Hardcase: Sounds fun.

Yang: I know right!

Jaune: You two aren't helping! *sigh* Fine... fine but we do it my way. No civilians casualties, no property damage. Yang I'm looking at you.

Yang: *whistle*

Jaune: And no mess ups. We do this clean and simple. I'll alert Ozpin of our task. Surly he'll agree to this crazy idea.

Hardcase: I'll come with you Jaune.

Unknown to them both Io and Karl Arc watch from a distance as they see the clones walking away from their friends. As the clones walk towards Ozpin's offices Hardcase bumped into someone.

Hardcase: Oof sorry about that. *offers a hand*

?: I'm fine. *accepts the help* Just watch where you're going.

Jaune: Those uniforms, your from a different academy right?

Jaune: Those uniforms, your from a different academy right?

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Cinder: We are. I'm Cinder, nice to meet you.

Jaune: I'm jaune, he's Hardcase.

Hardcase: We're twins.

Green: Aren't you a bit old to be a student?

Jaune: We are acception.

Cinder: Well it's nice to meet you two.

Jaune: ... agree.

As soon as they separated Jaune noticed her hand is all bandaged up. Not to mention her voice sounds familiar like when he shot a criminal back when he met Ruby. He didn't know if he was sure but he will keep a close eye on her later on.

Hardcase: Hey Jaune, what's the matter?

Jaune: Keep an eye on that Cinder girl. I don't trust her.

Hardcase: Sir you hardly trust anyone.

Jaune: Just keep that in mind Hardcase.

Hardcase: Yeah yeah whatever.

Scene change

At the helipad both teams RWBY and JNPR including Hardcase all board the bullhead heading to their mission given to them by Ozpin. As the bullhead took off another landed have both Tai and Windu exiting out of it.

Tai: Welcome to Beacon Master Windu.

Windu: Impress display.

Tai: I'll lead you to Ozpin's office.

Time skip

In the tower both Tai and Windu entered Ozpin's office which luckily has Glynda next to him.

Ozpin: Ah Tai, I'm surprised you're here. What can I do you for?

Tai: Well it's not about me this time Oz. It's about him. *points to Windu*

Ozpin: Greetings I'm professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy.

Windu: Greetings I'm Jedi general Mace Windu of the Galactic Republic.

Glynda: Wait did you say Republic?

Windu: I did, and you are?

Ozpin: She's my assistant. Her name Glynda Goodwitch. Now back to what you said, you said Republic correct? Do you happen to know a soldier name Jaune or CT-1402?

Windu: Yes I've heard of him. He's one of ARC troopers who went missing. Why is he here?

Ozpin: I apologize but I just sent him on an investigation mission not so long ago.

Windu: I see. Do you know how long he'll be gone?

Ozpin: No I do not. But if it helps I can have a bullhead ready to pick you up and take you to his last known location?

Windu: ...Very well. I'll accept.

Ozpin: Welcome to Remnant Master Windu.

Windu: Like wise.

In Vale

Jaune: Alright listen up! Here's the plan. I'll be going with Blake and Sun to this White Fang meeting nearby while both Ruby and White get some inte on any related dust robberies. Yang, Neptune, and Hardcase will head to the bar to talk to Yang's "friend" for information but Hardcase will be in charge.

Yang: What?!

Hardcase: I'll do my best.

Jaune: Yang from what I reread from your report you cause a lot of property damage there. I don't what the police to arrest you for trashing the place again do I?

Yang: *sigh* Ok.

Jaune: Good then let's go.

Everyone: Right!

Time skip

With Yang, Hardcase, and Neptune, Yang was fascinated on Hardcase's weapon and his tattoos on his face. In secret she was quite fond over the heavy hitter.

Yang: So Hardcase, are you single?

Hardcase: Yes I am. And if you're trying to flirt with me then you have to try harder than that.

Yang: Oh I'll try.

To be continued

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