Chapter 97

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Sam is admitted to the hospital.

Jim told me that we are going to uk again .

Mon , i have spoke with many doctors we can treat this cancer . So i decided to take Sam to UK again and continue her treatment. Doctor told there is chance of 20 % treating cancer and it's can cured by surgery . So we are moving as soon as possible.

Mon cried and she do not know what to reply .

Mon believe me , i promised you that i ll save my best friend .

Mon nodded her head .

Jim already arranged every arrangement to move to Uk

Olivia booked a private plane to uk . Still Sam is unconscious . Doctor gave sleeping pills to sam, in order to reduce the pain she suffer in her abdominal

Throughout the journey mon held Sam's hand .

They reached Uk and reached the hospital.

Jim already spoke with doctor regarding Sam .

They started treatment with initial reports .

After examining completely Sam . The doctor called Jim and Mon

Be confident what I am going to say .Her cancer is already started to spread . We can still hope for the best .I think we can start the treatment as soon as possible .

Mon asked The doctor . Nothing will happen to my Sam ???

I cannot give a surity but we still try our best . Atleast we can extend for 5- 10 years .

Once she heard , she left the room.

She ran outside and sat on a chair . Her tears bursted out .

Jim sat next to mon and mom leaned on Jim .

Jim she is already suffering lot , i cannot see her shouting in pain everyday . Now treatment and everything will hurt her lot . I do not know how am I going to take care .

Mon stop crying , it is toughest road what we chosen now . We need this to be done to save Sam . We will fight against it together. Jim said to mon .

Mon called everyone and she told everyone that they reached safely. Sam is fine .

After a day , we were allowed to meet Sam .

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