Chapter 90

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Jim hugged Sam tightly . Finally Sam had her friend next to her.

The doctor came out , mon is fine right now. You can see her after shifting to the general ward

Thank you Sam , Sam told

Sam went to Olivia and asked her to take care of Sam . She said she will be leaving now.

Jim holds Sam's hand ..

Sam listens here , stop running from your problem. My Sam is a brave girl who will face any situation .

If you think what you decided is the perfect solution . Then it's wrong . Mon will not be happy without you , she will not . She loved you even when you treated her friend . If you ignore or avoid her will not change anything . It's hard to accept the truth, believe me i'll find a way.  I'm your friend , I'll not leave you .

Go and meet mon now !!! Jim said

Sam after a long thought, she said yes

Sam opened the door , she walked towards mon .

She held mon's hand , mon opened her eyes and she saw Sam.

Sam ... Mon is not able to speak.

Sam placed her finger on mon's lips

Don't talk , Sam said

Mon started to cry and she asked in shaking voice

You will not leave me right !!

No , sleep now ...

Mon needs to know why Sam left , she is not well . She did not ask much .

Sam sat next to mon and took care of her

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