Chapter 41

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Mon started to cry once the car left the mon's mansion

Olivia stopped the car , gave tissues and water to mon

Mon cried and she did not want to drink water.

Olivia tried to hold Mon's hand . But mon did not let her do

Mon i'm sorry i do not know why you are crying, i thought of the console of you That's why i tried to hold your hand , Olivia tried to explain

I'm sorry olivia , i do not want to hurt your feelings .. only Sam can hold my hand... Can you please drop me in irin home

Mon silent once she reached Irin home , Mon said thanks and she left the place

Irin welcomed mon , mon hugged irin and she cried again

Why are you hurting yourself ,i think you are hurting Sam feelings too .. better you say to her , Irin patted on Sam's back

I never hidden anything from her , if is stayed there , i m sure i ll tell all the truth to her .

What you decided ???

On what ??? Mon questioned again irin

About Sam , Are you going to break up with her !!

I cannot break her heart , Sam mom's asking me to leave her .... I cannot be selfish ...

So... Irin dragged the word

I m going to leave her , if i leave her surely she will be move on or her .om will get her marry to someone .. soon she will forget me!!!

Irin slapped Mon ....

Mon , are you mad ?? Someone has
Died for that You are leaving her for this situation . I think your reason is stupid.

Irin think of it we are just 22 . I m sure she will move on if she met someone .. she need to lead a normal life , with her she will happy , she will have a family for herself . Mon smiled with pain

Mon i m sorry for slapping you , we do not want to discuss about this . Go and sleep for a while .

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