I Need A Bit Of Advice

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So since I can't ask people that actually know me, I resort to strangers on the Internet.

Btw this isn't six related, just a teeny tiny bit of my life. There also won't be a chapter this weekend. I suck at English as well, my grades can back that statement up.

Some people just don't leave me alone. Like, I don't see this person as a close friend, they have other people to spend time with and they are pretty rude to me (not exactly rude, let's say, inconsiderate of my feelings).

And they don't quite grasp the line between 'asshole-y way too honest' and 'kindly making small talk'.

In fact, they don't make positive conversations at all, they just insult me while looking me in the eyes and when I express I feel like shit, they go to the next person.

Idk if you know, but there are different kinds of schools in Germany, four different ones (after elementary, they're all for the same age groups). Based on your behaviour and grades, you are put in one of them after 4th grade, the best one gives you the best work opportunities after 'school leaving examinations' (I just threw that through Google) and the worse two school don't even give you the option of this examination and you get worse job opportunities after school. I am in the best school because I was really good at English, art, German and I didn't cause trouble. Anyways, I am working hard on trying to make it far enough to pass that 'school leaving examination', it's like my only school goal.

I got held back a year. (This is all still context for the problem at hand.)

And I am in a new class and there was a new kid a few months back. They didn't have friends so I offered them company with my other two friends.

They made small comments here and there and everywhere about my weight (I am rather big, I must say, above average without doubt). I just chose to ignore it cause they were two years younger than me and I thought they didn't realise that what they were saying was hurtful.

It did not stop. The comments just got worse and more and varying in topics.

Today, in school, when I sat next to them as always, they say to me that they're pretty sure that I will not pass the 'school leaving examination', at least not easily. That hit pretty hard, they basically said that I wouldn't make it career wise, which hurt like a lot more than anything previously.

Another friend then had to explain why I was hurt because they hadn't noticed me crying (look, I'm as sensitive as a stick of butter on the beach, everything sticks to it and it melts away at the slightest of contacts).

Instead of a proper apology, they started talking about how Einstein said that not everyone is good at everything and that it's okay that I'm not the smartest in certain subjects. They do not know a thing about my grades, I never told them, none of my friends ever told them. They just go ahead and tell me their opinion is that I suck at subjects they haven't seen me do.

Also, they don't go away, ever. I tell them to leave me alone, they start talking to the person I was talking to before they came along.

The worst part about them commenting on my lacking brains, is that they themselves are smart as fuck and they have amazing grades. I cannot deal with their words every single day, but they just. won't. leave.

It's mentally draining to see them at this point.

They tell me I'm too wide to share a table (we have 2 student tables), when (I did the math) them sitting with their legs spread far enough to idfk form a right angle, uses up ¾ of the entire table and I'm squished to the wall.

So what I am trying to ask, how do I get someone to permanently leave me alone without ruining anything for anyone? And how do I even begin to cope with all the unwanted thought they caused?

Thanks for sticking around as long as you did, when you read this.

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