CHAPTER THREE: Aidan's Alive

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Aria sat inside a navy blue dirty SUV on the passenger side. She wore sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun that was beaming directly onto her face through the windshield. Her long black wavy hair lay over her right shoulder as she braided her ponytail. After she finished, she flipped her hair behind her back.

They were parked on a small street on the side of the empty lot. Across the street were row homes. The area was vacated due to the war between the rebels and the Region Keepers.

Aria and the driver Devon exited the SUV and headed to a house in the middle of the street. She used a special knock and waited a second between every setback, knocking five straight times, then one, three, four, and two. A heavy-set man wearing raggedy clothes and holding a shotgun opened the door, and he nodded for them to come in.

The living room smelled like cigarette smoke and was empty except for a few armed men standing near the windows.

They walked past them into a hallway that led them to another door where this tall skinny fellow stood guard. Aria knew the routine and pulled her knife from her hip holster and a gun and knife from her thigh holsters and handed it to the guard. He placed them into a box beside him and then collected Devon's weapons. He stepped aside, and the door buzzed open. The two entered the room, and the door closed behind them. A brown-skin man in his late fifties with salt and pepper hair walked out from a back room behind a glass counter that displayed handguns-and military-grade rifles hung from the wall off to his right.

Aria walked closer. "Hey, Duffy."

"You're early--I've just finished bagging your guns and ammo. Let me get them for you; I

'll be right back." He went back into the room from which he came.

Devon walked behind the counter and looked at rifles hanging from the wall. He found one that he liked and picked it up.

"This is nice." He said, twirling the modern-day M-4 around and observing it from all angles. It had a pistol grip, scope, and a digital target selector on the right side above the trigger.

Aria removed her sunglasses and tucked them inside her blouse. "They're nice," Aria said, taking it from him and hanging it back on the wall, "that's why I ordered them."

"That's what he's back there getting?"

"Yup, along with some armor-piercing rounds."

"Great choices," he said, rubbing his hands together.

The door buzzed open, and a muscular man with a ponytail and a Viking beard entered. "Duffy, I have some goodies for you!" He shouted.

Aria couldn't stand the sight of Bolt or any of the Scavengers--to her, they were worse than Region Keepers, although they both preyed on the weak. Aria figured since the Scavengers are a rebel group, they should only focus their animosity on Region Keepers and not other rebel groups or anyone standing up to fight back against the Region Government. "He's waiting on me. Wait your turn." She said.

Bolt arrogantly looked her up and down. "Well, if it isn't Aria."

"Well... it's me." She said, annoyed.

         He smiled at her. "You know, Aria, one of my men got these goodies from... let me see," he said, placing his index finger and thumb on his chin as if thinking. "Oh yeah, a guy named Aidan Aims....The funny thing is...they actually think they saw him-- but I said that can't be him...because he's dead," he laughed.

Aria gave him a cold stare--he made her so angry she felt as though she could easily just pull his head from his body.

"What's the matter? Did I hit a soft spot?" He teased.

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