Ch. 22

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Ghasts and blazes are significantly less troublesome when you have fire resistance potions. Which means that wither skeletons are the new bane of my existence.

For legal reasons, I ask that you please do not try to make fireworks yourself. Please leave that to the professionals.


Once a year, Ataraxia transformed. When the harvests were at their peak and the days began to cool, when the leaves changed and the nights got longer and the Warrior constellation was the first to rise in the west at sundown, the autumn festival took hold on the town. The usual lanterns that lit the streets and people's doorways would be replaced by ones made from colored glass. Brightly colored cloth streamers were hung from trees and people's homes and, in a uniquely Ataraxian twist on the tradition, from the edges of the islands themselves. For a week straight the marketplace would host the biggest events of the festival– Competitions, games, and at the end of the week, a massive potluck meal for everyone on the islands.

The first time Ingressus had seen all the decorations appearing, he had wondered whether the Ataraxians had collectively lost their marbles. But now, over a decade later, he looked forward to it as much as anyone else.

Ingressus sat on a fence at the edge of the marketplace, looking over the day's festivities as Heralas and a few others played music from a low stage. It was the day for costumes, and as always, the Ataraxians had come out in full force. Percy had painted gray ribs over his chest and held a soot-darkened skeleton head by each shoulder, making airy shrieking noises as he chased the other kids around in the guise of a wither. Saylor had made a crown of twigs and leaves and had glued sticks and fallen leaves to his arms, apparently having lost a bet with Aireus to go as a tree spirit. Luciren had once again taken full advantage of the fact that paint powder could dye her white markings different colors, and was now wandering around with the purple-blue glow of enderknight armor as she wielded a black-painted wooden sword. Ailera had braided yellow ribbons into her hair and wore a light, golden shawl, and she drifted airily along the streets as a sun sprite.

The fence shifted as Leah climbed over the fence and sat down beside Ingressus. "Harvest joy and bounty to you, my friend."

"Joy and bounty to you too," Ingressus replied. "How are the fireworks coming?"

"They are all complete!" Leah said happily. "You'll get to see how they turned out tomorrow."

"How did you get the council to let you do this?"

"Hey!" Leah said in mock offense, shoving at his shoulder. "I may be a proud prankster, but I know how to be safe. I just had to show Tiris that I could make them and set them off without blowing myself up or setting anything on fire, and that I'd do it for cheaper than it would be to go and buy them from the outside world."

"Fair enough."

Out among the costumed festival-goers, Ingressus heard Luciren let out a loud shout. "Halt, you Nether spawn! How dare you invade these lands!"

Percy let out a loud shriek, drawing himself up to his full height as he faced off with Luciren. He thrust one of the skulls forward with an explosion sound and Luciren dodged away from the imaginary projectile, pointing her sword at him.

"This is your only warning, foul beast!" she cried. "Begone, or face the wrath of the enderknights!"

Percy shrieked again and ran forward, firing more imaginary charges at Luciren as onlookers cheered for the spectacle. The music faded to a stop as the performers stood to look, then began again with a faster, more energetic tempo, lending an excited air to the scene.

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