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It was already morning, I had woken up with a small headache. It was nothing that I couldn't handle. Nonetheless, I showered and changed quickly to start making breakfast for Taiju, Yuzuha and Hakkai.

As I was making breakfast, I noticed that Hakkai and Yuzuha's shoes weren't there. I turned off the stove and walked upstairs to check if they were in their rooms. Much to my surprise, they weren't there.

I was confused. They are usually there when I wake up getting ready for school. I walked backstairs and looked at the clock and let out a gasp.

"¡Ay dios mío! ¿Dormí hasta tarde? Dios mío, Taiju se va a enfadar tanto..." I said to myself.

("Oh my God! Did I sleep in?! Oh gosh, Taiju is going to be so mad...")

"The fuck you going on about?"

I turned around to see Taiju shirtless. I managed to catch a glimpse of all his tattooes. I looked up at him with a soft smile.

"Lo siento, señor Taiju, me quedé dormido, por favor no se enoje..." I said.

("I'm sorry, mister Taiju, I slept in, please don't be mad...")

"Okay? So what?" He said, "I let you sleep longer," He walked past me and pat my shoulder, "Yuzuha and Hakkai went to school earlier as you slept. I made their lunches and everything for you."

I blinked a few times processing what he had said. Why would he do that let alone let me sleep longer? What is going on with him?

"Um, ¿estás... estás bien, Taiju?"

(''Um, are you... are you alright, Taiju?")

"I'm fine, why?" He asked turning his head to face me.

I blinked in surprise, he looked so... so calm. This was not like him. I shook my head and smiles softly.

"No es nada, olvídalo," I said walking to the kitchen.

(It's nothing, forget about it.")

I looked to a side and saw him walk back upstairs. I turned back to the stove and turned it back on to make myself some migas con huevo. I decided to make a cup of coffee for myself. As I was doing that, Taiju had opened the door and went outside.

As I was preparing my coffee, the door was smashed open. I rush out of the kitchen to see Emiko, the girl from a few days ago, inside the house panting heavily.


"¡Ay por el amor de Dios, Emiko! ¡¿Huiste desde tu casa hasta aquí?!'' I shouted.

(Ay, for God's sake, Emiko! Did you run all the way here from your house?!")

"No! Of course not!" She said, "I ran from a Night Club!"

"¡¿Un club nocturno?! ¡¿Qué diablos podrías estar haciendo allí?!" I shouted putting my hands on my hips.

("A night club?! What on earth could you possibly be doing there?!")

"W-well..." she said softly, "I... I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago..."

I looked at her in shock. I let out a heavy sigh as lead her to the kitchen. I wanted to know what happened between them.







"A-and he wouldn't stop kissing her!!"

I handed her another set of tissues as she cried her eyes out. The poor girl was really heartbroken. Not to mention that this "Ran" guy is a fucking idiot to cheat on her, even if I just got to know her yesterday and today.

As she was about to say something, Taiju walked inside and we both turned to face him. He looked at me then at Emiko for a split second.

"Not even going to ask..." he mumbled as he walked out.

"Bueno, ¿quieres que lo mate?" I asked.

("Well, do you want me to kill him?")

"No..." she mumbled after blowing her nose, "I wanted to get my mind off him and that's why I went to the night club. And while I was there, I met this guy."

I looked at her clearly intrigued by this mystery guy.

"He was tall, maybe around 6 feet. His eyes were so pretty like emeralds. His hair was so soft and silky, too!" She said giggling happily, "Not to mention how fit he was~ God, his touch was so addicting! Not to mention how big his cock was~!"

"¡Ay dios mío! ¿Qué tan grande era?" I asked.

("Oh my god! How big was it?")

She put her elbows on the island and used her hands to measure how big this guy really was.

"Emiko! ¿Y logró meter esa monstruosidad dentro de ti?"

("And he managed to fit that monstrocity inside you?")

"What? I like to feel pain and pleasure," she shrugged, "But god he was so good in bed. I want to see him again so badly!" She whinned like child.

I giggled at her remark.

"¿Te dijo su nombre?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

("Did he tell you his name?")

"He did actually, he said it was Vicente De La Cruz," she said.

I felt my eyes widened and coughed heavily choking on my coffee. I held my hand up to my throat as she paniked.

"Alani-san! Are you alright?" She asked.

"¿Cual era su nombre?"

("What was his name?")

"Vicente De La Cruz."

"Emiko... Ese hombre que conociste anoche, es un hombre muy malo," I said, "A pesar de su encanto, es el líder de un cartel mexicano llamado Jaguar del Sur."

("That man you met last night, he is a very bad man. Despite his charm, he is a leader of a Mexican Cartel called Jaguar of the South.")

"But, he is so nice, Alani..." she said, "If he does or say anything out of the ordinary, then I'll stop seeing him, I promise."

"Está bien..."


(Vicente-"Aren't's pov)

"Emiko, darling, I have prepared you a soothing bath to-"

I look at my bed in surprise. I let out a heavy sigh and felt a smile form on my face. I believe I might have scared her away.

"También podría empezar a limpiar. No quiero hacer esperar más a mis socios comerciales..."


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