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I looked up at Yuzuha and hummed in response.

"Have you seen Taiju or Hakkai anywhere?" She asked.

I shook my head. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the two since yesterday. I had stopped mopping and walked upstairs and head inside Hakkai's room.

I let out a sigh of relief seeing him sleep peacefully. But that quickly changed to frustration as I saw his dirty clothes all over the floor. I stepped inside to put all his dirty clothes in his basket and carried the box to the laundry room downstairs.

As I passed Taiju's room I noticed he was working out as he listened to music. He keeps himself fit for many reasons that I can already point out. I placed Hakkai's basket of clothes down and knocked on Taiju's door.

"Come in!!"

I stepped inside and grabbed Taiju's basket of dirty clothes. As I walked out, he threw a piece of clothing behind my head.

"Take that sweaty towel too while you're at it..." he said in a smug tone.

I grabbed the towel with a few fingers and placed it on the basket. God he is such an asshole. No matter, I walked out of his room and grabbed Hakkai's basket and walked to the laundry room.

As I put Hakkai's clothes to wash, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I immediately knew it was Taiju. He can never stop stomping up and down the damn house even if he is calm.

I watched him from a side as he placed his gym clothes on his basket. I went back and added laundry detergent in the washer, closed the lid and turned the washer on. I turned around and walked past Taiju. I was not interested in his stupid remarks.

"Have you finished mopping?" He asked.

I shook my head no. He hummed in response.

"Once your done, I need you to get changed and come outside," he said, "I'll be waiting."

I let out a soft sigh and nodded. I was lucky enough to finish mopping the kitchen. I head to my quarters and saw there was a pair of jeans and a green crop top. I closed the door and changed into the set of clothes that were set down for me.

I fixed my hair on the way outside to meet with Taiju. He turned around a bit angrily then his gaze soften a bit.

"C'mon, let's go..." he said already walking ahead.

I was confused by his actions but walked behind him either way. It was silent between him and I. I did not mind it. I'd rather not hear him opening his mouth.


I spoke too soon. I turn my head to face him.

"Do you know why I decided to take you outside for the first time?" He asked.

I shook my head no. He stopped in front of a tall building. I looked at the building then back at him confused.

"The owner here wants to meet you," he said, "Go ahead and step inside."

I was not certain about this. I stepped inside the building and looked back at Taiju.

"Heh, you scared?" He asked in a smug tone.

I glared at him which made him laugh. He walked up to me and lead me to the owner's office. It was the highest place in the building.

"Ah! Taiju Shiba!" Said the unknown man, "I see you brought the girl you were telling me about! Come in, come in!"

I stood by the door as Taiju walked inside and sat in front of the boss. He motioned his hands ordering me to stand next to him.

"Mr. Yatsuki, meet Alani Masujiro," said Taiju, "She can't speak Japanese but understands the language just fine."

"Oh, that doesn't matter, I have a personal translator right here on my desk!" Mr. Yatsuki laughed.

I glared at the man. He looked like he was in his mid-fourties. He gave me weird vibes. I noticed a woman walk in the office wearing a tight yet revealing clothing. Mr. Yatsuki smirked as the girl sat on his lap.

"I see you still keep those secretarys of yours," said Taiju unamused.

"Yes, well, a man can't hold back his desire for women," said Yatsuki, "How strong is this girl, Taiju?"

"She managed to knock out most of my men and kill a few as well," he said, "She's from a powerful gang in Reynosa, Mexico." He looked up at me with a grin, "She's quite the furocious girl, if I may add."

I growled softly at Taiju's smug grin then back at Yatsuki as he looked up and down my body. I clenched my fists and began shaking. This man... he's a sexual predator...

"Well, she is quite fit as well," said Yatsuki.

"Indeed, she is..." Said Taiju.

"Perfect, she shall be one of my workers here in my business," said Yatsuki happily, "I hope you don't mind, Ms. Masujiro."

I glared at him then watched as Taiju left the room. Yatsuki dismissed the girl and waited for her to leave the room. I was left alone with Yatsuki moments later. He stood up and walked over to me.

I watched him walk around me.

"You know, Alani-san," he began, "These walls are soundproof and the windows are tinted. I can do anything I want with you."

I felt his hands on my waist as he inhaled my scent.

"My goodnes... you smell so delicious..." he said as he moved his hands down my pants.

I grabbed his wrists tightly and threw him to the ground.

"Dijiste que estas paredes están insonorizadas y que las ventanas están polarizadas, ¿sí? ¡También podrías asegurarte de gritar y pedir ayuda entonces!" I shouted.

("You said these walls are soundproof and the windows are tinted, yes? You might as well make sure to yell for help then!")

I began punching his face, his neck and abdomen. He was screaming and crying in pain. I was so disgusted by his actions. I grabbed a butterfly knife from the side of my boot and stabbed him all over his body.

His blood splashed all over my face and my shirt. I laughed and laughed as I sliced his throat and abdomen. His blood was dripping on the floor as his guts fell to the floor. I stood up holding my bloody knife.

The door opened and I saw Taiju laugh as he closed the door behind him.

"Man, he had that coming!" He said.

I let out a heavy sigh and shook my head.

"Solo querías que me deshiciera de él, ¿verdad, Taiju?" I said.

("You just wanted me to get rid of him, didn't you, Taiju?")

Taiju picked up the translator and looked at it and let out a soft laugh.

"Yeah, I did," he said walking towards me, "You caught on pretty quickly~

I roll my eyes at his flirtatious tone. I felt his hand on my waist as he pulled me towards him which had caught me off guard. He had a smug grin on his face.

"No empieces, Taiju. Te voy a patear la verga..." I said angrily.

("Do not start Taiju. I will kick your dick...")

Taiju chuckled softly and released me. I looked down at my clothes and hands.

"I'll go back and get you some clean clothes, Yatsuki has a bathroom of his own so go ahead and shower..." he said as he walked away.

I watched his every movement. He closed the door behind him. I sometimes wonder what is going on inside that guy's head.

(??? Pov)

Finally, I have arrived in Japan. Let's see if that bastard was right about Alani's location. I took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"Me aseguraré de encontrarte, Alani, incluso si muero en el proceso, te haré sufrir como tu perra de una madre..."


1318 words

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