Chapter 13

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The man who was the very source of everything going on in this village held that golden staff with a parasite wrapped around it that Ella had seen him holding in all of his stupid paintings.

"This is our Holy Body." Ella had to hold herself back from telling him they were going to destroy the Amber. "Our divine providence! And soon. Such a profound blessing for all. . .Las Plagas!" Ella took in the women in dresses and white cloth masks that covered their entire faces, rope tied around their necks. They had their hands folded out in front of them, their heads bowed slightly, and Ella found them to be extremely creepy, watching them closely as she realized they were surrounding them. Two of them moved, pulling Saddlers purple hood down and revealing the disgusting malformation at the back of his head, Ella's brows furrowing in disgust.

"Welcome, my children." If he called them that one more time, Ella might just lose it. "I am Osmund Saddler. The speaker for our Lord." Ella was ready to shoot him in the face and hope for the best, but Leon beat her to it.

"Tell someone who gives a shit." He muttered as he fired the shot, and Saddler bent forward, covering his face. Ella was hoping that the fact that he didn't just stand there was a good sign, but she knew her hope was in vain.

"Foolish Lambs. Why do you deny grace?" He straightened, his eyes a dark smoky gray, and soon both Leon and Ashley were doubling forward in pain. Ella turned to them, concerned, when Saddler raised his hand, making Ashley step forward as she tried to resist the pull, Leon trying to reach for her before being forced to a stop, and Ella snapped out of it.

Saddler didn't have control over her.

"Hey, asshole!" Ella called, gaining his attention as she aimed her shotgun, firing. He stumbled back that time, his jaw tightening with anger, but the moment gave Ashley some reprieve as she was able to come to a stop. Had Saddler thought Ella was just going to stand by?

Ella fired again, and again, stepping forward as Saddler raised a hand as if to block the bullets, the shotgun never failing her before if she could land a good shot. The way the women behind Saddler and them just stood there worried her, but the only thing she could do was keep shooting. However, one of them had disappeared in the blink of an eye, and suddenly Ella's arms were being held behind her back as she was forced to her knees, gritting her teeth at the pain.

"Insolent-" Saddler's calm facade was almost shattered as he bit the word out, but he took a deep breath, once again standing up straight as if Ella hadn't fired multiple shotgun rounds into him. He looked at her, staring a few moments as he seemed to contemplate something with a set jaw. Ella just knew he was considering killing her, and really, she didn't understand why he didn't as he turned back to Ashley, raising his hand once more.

Ella struggled in the woman's grasp, but she had to hold back a whimper as the movements caused pain to explode in her arms, the joints threatening to be pulled from their sockets and the strain agitated the bruises. Ella's eyes widened as Ashley picked up the gun, slowly but surely aiming it towards Leon, though she tried to fight it. Maybe he was going to have Ashley do it, just like he said he was going to do Ella when she was almost taken alongside Ashley.

"Ashley-" Ella felt her heart jump in her chest as Ashley fired, but she was still resisting as the bullet hit one of the women standing behind him. The gun moved again, firing and hitting the woman on Leon's right.

"Sweet child, do not resist." Saddler spoke, and it was then the gun aimed straight for Leon, Ashley's hands shaking at the effort of trying to fight Saddler's influence.

"You can fight this, Ashley!" Ella tried to encourage her, though she knew Saddler's control was strong, but she had to try. Otherwise, Leon was dead, and Ella was next, and Saddler was free to enact his plan for total control. Ashley grit her teeth as she did her best, but she couldn't stop herself as she pulled the trigger.

Lost and Found || Leon KennedyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora