Chapter 12

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Ella had been keeping a close eye on Leon, having told him he could rest while she kept a lookout, but he had declined. She hadn't expected him to say yes, but she wished he had. He probably needed it more than anyone.

"Leon? Ella?" The two turned to see Ashley had finally woken up, sitting up and turning to her. She seemed to have gotten a bit of her strength back, and Ella was relieved she seemed relatively normal.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Leon told her, and Ashley shook her head, giving him a small smile.

"No, thank you. You brought the medicine just in time." She breathed, rubbing her wrists before she threw her legs over the side of the bed and moved to stand. "Where's Luis?" At the mention of the Spanish man, Ella frowned, having had him on her mind ever since Leon told her the news.

"He was worried about you. . .until the end." Ashley looked to Leon at that, falling back onto the bed once she processed what he meant. She seemed just at a loss for words as Ella had been, her shoulders sagging a bit as she came to terms with the news. Neither of the girls may have been close to him, but it was a shock to lose him. He deserved to make it out too.

"Come on, we don't have much time." Leon stood up, and Ella let out a breath, before doing the same. She knew he was right, but she wished they could rest another few seconds. "Let's get rid of these things." Leon told her, holding his hand out, and Ashley took it, letting him help her up.

"For Luis." She looked at the both of them, and Ella nodded determinedly. They would avenge him, and everyone else these cult bastards hurt.


Leon had contacted Ada about the location of Luis' lab, and she gave them a direction to go, once again proving herself helpful. Maybe she couldn't be fully trusted, but it was clear to Ella that Ada was more friend than enemy.

Ella considered mentioning their small meeting, but decided against it, keeping it to herself. She had no idea what happened between Leon and Ada, but she could guess that whatever it was was very complicated, and she didn't feel like getting in the middle of it right now. Not only that, but she didn't really understand what their meeting had meant herself, Ada's words still confusing her.

Ella snapped out of it as Ashley happily volunteered herself to go over the wall to open the locked door on the other side, eager to get through this as quickly as possible. Ella didn't complain, as her aching body really could use the break, and once Ashley removed the bar that was blocking their path, they moved forward. To Ella's delight, the familiar purple flame was just beyond the next unlocked door, it having been a while since she last saw him.

"Well, hello again stranger! Long time no see!" He greeted as Ella walked over to his table, and she had half a mind to jump over it and hug him, but she refrained.

"Hey, it's good to see you, even if I don't have any money on me. Or gear for that matter." She chuckled.

"Oh is that so? Well maybe I found your gear and held onto it for safekeeping?" Ella paused at that, looking at him as if unsure whether he was kidding or not, but he just winked, before putting them on the table in front of her.

"They're all full up on ammo, and I've filled your pouch." He assured, continuing as Ella picked up her gear, still visibly surprised. "Don't worry, I've taken the initiative and grabbed the money I needed already." He laughed, and Ella expected nothing less. She had felt practically naked without her gear, so when she put everything in its rightful place, she let out a breath of relief. It felt so much better to have it on her again. She had been scared to go forward without having much to defend herself or Ashley, dreading leaving all the work to Leon, but now she didn't have to.

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