Chapter 2

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It was not easy at all to follow the man in the hat, and she almost lost him a few times as well as gotten caught, but she managed to stick behind him during the long walk, using her tracking skills to keep a safe distance.

Ella had been relieved that she hadn't followed the man to the familiar area of the altar, having been keeping an eye out and preparing herself for the memories that returning to that place may force to the front of her mind. Fortunately, it wasn't necessary, as they ended up at what looked to be an abandoned factory.

It had been what felt like hours of walking and sneaking around, so when she got the chance to just sit down and wait for him to leave the large building, she took it, finishing up the last of her water.

If the man in the hat wasn't sacrificing Leon, then it was likely that he wasn't killing him at all. At least not yet. If Ella had to guess, she would say he was probably finding a place to keep him tied up for a bit. For what purpose, she didn't know, but that wasn't important.

As soon as the man left, she would go inside and free Leon anyway, which would ruin whatever plans the man had for her companion.

Ella was able to rest for half an hour before the man in the hat finally exited the factory. Unfortunately, he ordered a few villagers to keep watch, Ella hiding behind the tree she was near when she saw the first one arrive.

She waited a little longer for everything to calm down, and to make sure the large man in the hat was long gone, before she finally moved into the factory.


There had only been a handful of villagers inside, Ella having more trouble finding her way around than she did taking them down. However, she did find something useful. All of Leon's gear. It was behind two locked doors, but she found a wheel that lifted one of them, though only for a limited time.

Once she got inside, she unlocked the other door from the inside, giving her an easier way out, before she gathered all of Leon's things. It was quite a bit, but she managed, now having two handguns tucked into her waistband, his pouch at her hip, and the shotgun in hand. She grabbed his combat knife last, giving it a good once over.

"Hm. Nice." It was a good looking knife- Sturdy and well made- though it did look a little old. Either way, it would be much nicer to have than those crappy kitchen knives she found around here. Alas, it wasn't hers, and she stuck it through her belt loop before once again going on the search for Leon.

There were a few bear traps she had to disarm, but she eventually found a metal door, though just before she could reach it, the man that was carried in with Leon suddenly burst through, almost running into her. He was shocked, immediately getting on the defensive, before realizing she wasn't one of the infected.

"Oh hello." A smirk came to his lips as his eyes gave her a once over. "I didn't know he had a companion with him. What's your name, senorita?" He asked her, his tone flirtatious, and Ella just furrowed her brows at him, shaking her head lightly to show she wasn't going to give him her name.

She had no idea who this man was, or what he was doing here. He wasn't infected, but that didn't mean he wasn't somehow a part of all of this. Then again, the man in the hat carrying him to the factory along with Leon suggested he wasn't on the cult's side, but that didn't necessarily mean he was on Ella's, and Ella wouldn't blindly trust him.

She didn't trust Leon completely either, but she traveled with him out of necessity, and she at least knew why he was here. The less strangers she had to put her trust in, the better.

"Ah I see. Well I would love to stay and chat, really, but I must get going. It was lovely to meet you. Perhaps we'll meet again." Ella gave him a curious look as he ran off, and a part of her wondered if she should stop him, but she decided against it, focusing on Leon. At least she knew she was going the right way.

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