- chapter seven

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IN THIS CRUEL WORLD, help wasn't always around the corner. People did not support others like how Jack Dawson did.

Since his younger years, Jack knew that nothing came for free and everything had a price tag. If money wasn't the issue, unsupportive friends and family could make or break you. Jack knew that much. He knew when his parents died, that support could never be replaced. This cruel world nearly chewed and spat him right out. Luckily, Jack was optimistic. Never in one place. Never afraid to take chances. Smart enough to make the right decisions.

Jack took the world on, and in doing so, he met many interesting characters—beautiful individuals with pure hearts and, of course, cruel souls who wanted nothing but misery.

Cruel souls knew how to wrap their cold claws around innocent hearts, pulling the light out of the vessel to create darkness and chaos. Jack couldn't have this. He couldn't see one of his oldest friends fall for this cruel world.

"Joseph!" Jack called out, running past individuals who eyeballed him. Some effort and the skill to be unseen made it easy for Jack to climb up the second-class Promenade. A glimpse of Joseph and Juliette gave Jack the courage to speak with them about the situation. Nothing else mattered, even if it meant getting into trouble yet again.

Joseph and Juliette turned to see Jack weaving through the crowd to reach them. Joseph, surprised, grew with excitement. He hadn't seen Jack since he and Neph were sixteen. How'd Jack end up on the Titanic, Joseph wasn't quite sure, but that thought ended once Jack reached them.

"Jackie!" Joseph exclaimed, pulling Jack into a tight embrace. Jack couldn't hold back, and he, too, hugged Joseph as if he were a sibling he hadn't seen in years. Joseph had taught him a lot. Enough to make the back ally cat survive with some book smarts.

Pulling away, Jack placed his attention on Juliette. She had gained some weight due to multiple pregnancies, but Jack considered Joseph's wife prettier than ever. Her cheeks were a tinge of pink, and her blue eyes still held a delightful gaze. What Jack truly loved about Juliette was her soothing voice. She could charm her way and make you feel loved by a simple but warm hello.

"Ma jolie Juliette," Jack grinned; he took her gloved hand and kissed her knuckles withan endearing expression. "It is so nice to see you."

Juliette beamed at Jack. She always enjoyed his artwork, despite her father mumbling about their ungodliness. Still, she loved Jack's talents and his stories. Much like Neph, she could sit and listen for hours. There was never a dull moment with the blonde.

"It is so good to see you too," Juliette continued her smile, removing her hand from his to place her touch on Joseph's forearm. "How did you manage to get on the second class deck? Are you doing something you aren't supposed to?"

"Well," Jack chuckled, shoving his hands into his slacks. He could explain how he gambled onto the Titanic, saved a beautiful redhead from falling to her death, met Neph right after that incident, and snuck onto the second-class section, but none mattered. What mattered was making sure Joseph kept an eye on Neph.

"That doesn't matter. I came because I need you to listen to me about your sister," Jack tells the couple.

Joseph raised his head, surprised Neph knew Jack was on the ship. She did not mention this fact earlier, and he would soon find out why.

"Oh, dear. What has she done?" Joseph sighed.

"Nothin' like that, not yet anyway. I promise. It's just — last night, while I was having a cigarette over on the stern.....uh, I saved this woman. Cal Hockley, I assume you know him?"

"Of course, he came to me asking about Neph. Invited us all for lunch. He told us–he is a big fan and offered Neph some help with a publisher....what is bothering you?"

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