- chapter one

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           SECOND-CLASS STATEROOMS WERE very comfortable, featuring oak paneling - painted a glossy white, linoleum floors, and mahogany furniture; usually consisting of a large sofa, wardrobe, and dressing table with washbasin, mirror, and storage shelves. All the taps were connected to substantial freshwater tanks located deep within the ship, and many rooms contained "tipped" washbasins on shelves that could be folded back into the cabinet to save space.

Shared staterooms were segregated by sex so single women or men often shared staterooms. Unlike First-class, which offered many staterooms with private bathrooms, Second-class bathroom facilities were all shared. Communal lavatories and bathrooms were separated by companionways and divided by sex.

One-by-one, Nephtalie "Neph" Laroche, unpacked her suitcase carefully, trying her best to adjust to the ship's loud engines that roared deep underneath her feet. After a stressful moment, Neph reestablished her stateroom and decided to awkwardly remove her personal belongings whilst her stateroom companion watched her from the opposite side of the diminutive room.

Lucy Hawkins was of medium height with bright eyes and a mouse-like nose. She spoke with a posh English accent, and her nose crinkled slightly with every deep thought. The young Lucy, only a few years older, wasn't a bad woman. She barely blinked an eye once she saw who her cabin mate would be.

Still, Neph felt a mysterious suspicion that Lucy was up to something. Devious, perhaps? Or maybe, Neph's trust had been shattered by disappointment and discrimination during her time in France? She wasn't quite sure if her introspections were all in her head or an equivalent truth.

Neph had pulled out of her medium-sized suitcase an evening gown for that night's dining. She rested the midsection of the purple fabric by her forearm and the neck with her right hand. As her fingers went to reach for the hanger just beside her bed, Lucy hummed delightfully.

Turning to face Lucy after hearing some shuffling after her hum, Neph watched Lucy pull a freshly purchased French hat box from under her bed. With a gentle smile, Lucy flicked open the lid and with care, brought out an Edwardian-style hat in ivory, with a ruffled lace brim and multicolored ivory and pink flowers.

"This will do," Lucy breathed, before pulling Neph by her wrist. Neph was unable to question, as Lucy plucked the borrowed gift on top of her head. A beautiful afternoon hat that perfectly matched Neph's Day Dress that was made out of silk and fitted correctly to suit her small frame. The dress had been given to Neph on her 19th birthday, and she saved the article of clothing for a special day such as this one.

Neph helped Lucy adjust the hat upon her pulled-up curls, then they smiled at each other as their reflections looked back at them in the mirror moments later.

"Since we will be living together, I thought this would be a good way to become friends," Lucy smiled, holding Neph's shoulders. "Also, I met a fine gentleman earlier this morning and he offered to play Shuffleboard with him. You should join us."

"You've already met someone so quickly?" Neph asked while her fingers fell from the brim of her hat, turning to look at Lucy as if she had two heads. Completely forgetting all about her indecisiveness towards Hawkins.

Lucy shrugged whilst placing her favorite hat on top of her golden hair. She then, wrinkled her nose as she thought about the Irish Gentleman named, Kelly. He certainly had caught her eye, however, she saw it as nothing more. Pushing Kelly out of her skull, Lucy held out her bent arm to suggest Neph should wrap hers around it. "Let's go for a walk! I can show you around."

"But I haven't finished unpacking -"

Lucy rolled her eyes playfully and took Neph by the wrist. Ignoring her arguments yet again.


Their walk was meant to be a moment to get to know each other, Neph enjoyed the simple talks of their past, especially Lucy's complex background;

Born and raised in London, England - Lucy had everything. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth and knew nothing of struggle. Still, she helped her father with meals at her church every Sunday. Feeding the needy was her duty. If not for the love of her current life, Lucy may have become a nun. It was in her blood to be a decent human. The young woman spoke of her uncle in Chicago, who was a pastor, offering a small job at his congregation. She gladly took it in hopes to start a new life in the United States. Neph admired the glimmer of hope that twinkled in the blonde's eye. She, a life ahead of her, eager to show the world that good could overcome evil.

And despite the two women going on about their lives, somehow, Neph managed to lose Lucy upon the boat deck. Quite odd, Nephtalie thought. Nonetheless, the young woman with the pink hat nudged the concern away. Lucy might have wandered off to find Kelly as she spoke about him often during their stroll.

A breeze came through the walkway as Neph leaned against the railing just as she had done earlier. The weather was unremarkable for such a time and quite comfortable for traveling. The temperatures were relatively mild and the skies were clear. Not a drop of rain came from the heavens. It all seemed too perfect.

Dipping her left hand into her dress pocket, Neph took out a small leather notebook and a sharp pencil. She began to flip through the already filled pages to find a fresh one, and began to write down every detail. In hopes to write a small article back home about her adventure or perhaps keep the details for personal notes. She did enjoy looking back at her many tales.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" A voice spoke to her left. Surprised, Neph raised her head to see the stranger from earlier. Up close, Neph could see his features much better. He had to be in his late twenties, or early thirties. His face still held a youthful glow despite his superior age. The man was handsome, with a smug smile, and thick raven hair. His height compared to the others, such as Joseph, was quite noticeable.

Neph snapped the notebook with a swift motion, holding the leather cover close to her chest as if he had spoiled her privacy.

"Did I frighten you?" he spoke in a Mid-Atlantic accent, normal for an American socialite. Neph peeked up at him out of nervousness, not fear, for she couldn't quite understand her emotions. "Your brother, Mr. Leroche, spoke kindly of you and told me where you might be."

Neph raised one brow, curious by this;

"You know my brother?" Neph spoke in her French accent, astonished.

"Oh," The man smirked, "Might I introduce myself; My name is Caledon Hockley the heir to Hockley Industries. Your family and mine are great friends. My father has done deals with your uncle, President Leconte." Neph snapped her gaze towards an older gentleman who appeared to be annoyed by the whole ordeal. Caledon took notice, clearing his throat to regain Neph's attention. "This is my bodyguard, Spicer Lovejoy, he attends me when need be. Lovejoy won't be a threat to you."

Caledon did not hesitate to hold out his hand whilst Neph studied Lovejoy. The older man kept his mouth silent as Neph connected her palm to Caledon's. His full lips pressed against her exposed skin after he took a slight bow. His eyes then craned upward, looking at her through his brow.

"Delighted to finally meet you, Miss. Laroche."

Slipping her hand away from his, Neph took one step away, conflicted by all of this. A spark between had grown during their short encounter and she couldn't figure out why. It were as if he held her in his clutches already.

"You know my uncle. It's a small world."

Neph pushed her notebook and pencil back into her pocket. Before Caledon could utter another word, Neph raised her shoulders, ignoring Lovejoy's chilling gaze. "Excuse me, Mr. Hockey, but I believe I should go freshen up for lunch - it was a pleasure to meet you."

Caledon opened his mouth, only to find Neph scurrying straight past him. She is quick on her toes, but she wasn't quick enough to hear Caledon yell that she and her family were invited for lunch as his guests.

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