The Perfect Gift

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Shouto kept his hood up as he hastened through the freezing cold. He had three full layers on, plus a hat and gloves, and he still felt he could turn into an icycle at any moment.

The parking lot was nearly full. Katsuki's truck was toward the back, which sucked, but he pulled out of his space and drove to the steps outside the front entrance once he saw Shouto. For that, Shouto's heart clenched. The rest of his body was too numb to do much else.

There was a blue fleece blanket waiting for him on the passenger seat. Shouto settled inside, draping it over his lower half along with the little gift he received a couple hours prior. Katsuki gave him a quick kiss. Shouto noticed his upper lip was sweaty, likely due to the heat being turned up to maximum. Shouto knew it was for his sake, but he dialed it down anyway to save his boyfriend from suffering too badly.

Katsuki smirked. "Rough day?"

Shouto dipped his head. "Seishuu is having issues meeting his deadlines. He told me my assistance has been very helpful, but there's still a lot more he needs to get done."

"You second guessing becoming a mangaka?"

Shouto instantly perked up. "Not at all. I think this job has been good for me. It lets me know exactly what I'd be getting into. But I can't see myself doing anything else, so I'll accept those challenges."

Katsuki grinned. "That's what I like to hear."

It had been three months since Shouto started working as Seishuu's assistant. And in those three months, Shouto learned more about the realities of being a mangaka than he learned in his entire life. He appreciated that Seishuu didn't sugarcoat anything. He let Shouto in on the good, bad, and the ugly. Not only because it was crucial for his own story to be edited to the best version it could be, but also to help Shouto out.

Of course, Shouto hadn't done any significant edits to Seishuu's chapters yet. That would come in time. Mostly Shouto sat in on meetings and read chapters that were almost ready for submission. His feedback, while minimal since he was too shy and too in awe of landing a dream job to speak in full sentences, was always appreciated. And gaining an inside perspective of a typical work day for a mangaka demystified the process of becoming one. Watching Seishuu do what he loved, even when difficult, led Shouto to believe that he could really do it too.

"And look." With a smile, he held up the tiny box that encased an adorably decorated red velvet cupcake. "The team bought this for me." 

Katsuki snickered. "How precious." He then threw an arm around the back of Shouto's headrest. "Now, how about I cheer you up some more with some birthday sex?"

Shouto laughed and shoved him away. "You're annoying."

Katsuki laughed even harder, but soon subsided. "I'm kidding." He kissed Shouto's cheek and threw his car into drive. As they left the parking lot and pulled into the street, Katsuki cupped his hand around its usual spot, the inside of Shouto's thigh. "But if you change your mind..."

Shouto wrinkled his reddened nose and held back a witty remark. He parted his legs so Katsuki could grab him better. Katsuki's hand stayed closer to Shouto's knee than away. Touching Shouto's thigh never carried any sexual implication on Katsuki's end. He just liked touching Shouto, just as Shouto liked being touched by Katsuki.

But today was Shouto's eighteenth birthday, so sex was defintiely in his future. Not that the boys needed a reason. Since their anniversary, their sex life had been both healthy and consistent. Shouto had no complaints. Having Katsuki for a boyfriend guaranteed sex would never be boring. Katsuki could be sensual and romantic but on other occasions could be an absolute animal. And it was fun, whether it was making love in Katsuki's bed with soft music playing or sneaking out at midnight for a quickie in the back of Katsuki's truck.

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