The First Night

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They were back to snuggling on Katsuki's truck bed. It was Friday night, their first date, plus they both told their parents that they were going to a barbecue to celebrate the Heroes' championship win. They were in no rush to get home. Time was on their side.

Sitting in his lap, Shouto focused on his now boyfriend's impeccable side profile. He was still in disbelief that he could now kiss that glorious face whenever he wanted, behind closed doors of course.

"So when I kissed Inasa at your party," he said, "were you jealous?"

Katsuki, staring ahead, pouted and hugged him tighter. "No."

Shouto gave a half smile and ran his delicate fingers through Katsuki's soft mane. "You were jealous."

"Yeah, I was jealous," Katsuki muttered. "Whatever."

With a giggle, Shouto kissed his cheek. "You're cute. Wait, was that why you hated Hitoshi so much?"

Katsuki finally turned to him. "No." When Shouto shot a look that indicated he wasn't convinced, he added, "Well I didn't realize it at the time. I had a girlfriend."

Shouto's lips parted, his eyes widening like a helpless puppy. "Oh my God," he said. "I'm a home-wrecker."

Katsuki scoffed. "No you're not."

"But Camie thought you were cheating on her."

"Shouto," Katsuki insisted, "you didn't do anything. You didn't even know. Neither did I."

While that was probably true, the guilt didn't subside. "I still feel bad."

Katsuki smiled and cupped his cheek. "That's cause you're a caring person." He kissed Shouto's forehead through his fringe. "But we can talk about this another time if you really want. Right now I just wanna enjoy our-"

His phone cut him off. It vibrated in his pocket, which Shouto felt since his calf was draped over it. He adjusted himself a little so Katsuki could pull it out.

Katsuki read the contact name, then flickered his gaze to Shouto. "It's Eijiro."

Shouto motioned to climb out of his lap, but Katsuki snaked an arm around Shouto's waist and stopped him before he could. He then grabbed the side of Shouto's face and pushed him so his head rested comfortably on his shoulder. A wholesome grin formed on Shouto's face as he nuzzled into his boyfriend's hold.

With his free hand, Katsuki answered the call. "Hey man. You alone?" After a brief pause, he tapped his thumb to the screen, then held his phone in front of his face.

Shouto knew he wasn't in frame, but he ducked his head lower. His eyes stayed glued to Katsuki as Eijiro's voice projected through their now video call.

"Hey man!"


"Where are you? Why is it so dark?"

Katsuki offered a half smirk. "I'm on a date."

Shouto's stomach dropped, his face heating up. He wasn't embarrassed, but he was caught off guard. Didn't they just discuss that they were keeping things on the down-low until Katsuki was more comfortable with his sexuality?

"You are?" Eijiro said. "With who?"

Katsuki's grin widened as he tilted the camera to include a timid and confused Shouto.

"Um," Shouto mumbled, "hi."

He could now see Eijiro's face, which was twisted into the exact level of shock Shouto expected.

"NO WAY!" he shrieked. "Holyshitholyshitholyshit!"

Katsuki chuckled and kissed the top of Shouto's head. "Meet my boyfriend."

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