An Improbable High

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Katsuki Bakugou was now a man.

He contained his excitement until he was safe in the bathroom down the hall. After closing the door behind him, his only company being his grinning reflection in the mirror, Katsuki combed all ten fingers through his hair and exhaled. This was a milestone he anticipated achieving sooner than later, but he was still in disbelief that it happened.

He tossed the condom in the trash bin beside the toilet, not thinking twice. He didn't care if Mitsuki or Masaru found it, especially since Masaru was the one who purchased Katsuki the condoms in the first place.

If there was anything Katsuki appreciated about his parents, it was that they acknowledged the very likely possibility that he'd become sexually active once he became a teenager. And while they preferred he'd wait until he was an adult to have sex, they knew they couldn't stop him if he chose not to.

So, Mitsuki and Masaru sat Katsuki down one night and gave him the talk that every child dreaded. Katsuki was mortified, but as the conversation transpired, he eased up. His parents weren't trying to shame him, only educate. And with no question off limits, Katsuki felt a lot more comfortable about his body and sex after having that discussion with them.

Knowing his parents wouldn't reprimand him for engaging in such activity, it was easy for Katsuki to follow their rules. As long as he practiced safe sex and understood the importance of consent, Mitsuki and Masaru were okay with it.

Of course, Katsuki waited until they were out of the house before moving forward with losing his virginity. That was not something he wanted getting interrupted.

The first thing he did when he returned to his bedroom was slip on his boxers that laid next to the bed. Camie, his girlfriend of two weeks, smiled from underneath the blankets as Katsuki crawled in beside her. She was no longer naked, now wearing the white tank top Katsuki had on earlier. Her legs were still bare, a smirk tugging at Katsuki's lips as he grabbed her smooth thigh and positioned her leg over his.

Katsuki then massaged the back of her ear with his thumb, his heart clenching at the serenity in her gaze. He never thought he'd be the guy to catch feelings for someone so hard, so quickly, yet here he was. Being in a relationship brought a new type of happiness, one that was a lot of fun discovering. Though he sensed this wasn't due to having a girlfriend, but having Camie as a girlfriend.

Katsuki was smitten, point blank. Camie was gorgeous, kind, and, most importantly, Katsuki genuinely enjoyed her company. She understood his sense of humor, often countering his quips with a witty comeback of her own. Whenever they were together, Katsuki had a permanent grin plastered across his face.

He offered a timid smile. "Sorry if it wasn't perfect."

After it happened, Katsuki eyed the clock hanging over his door. The sex lasted four minutes, which wasn't great, but it also meant he lasted twice as long as Eijiro did during his first time.

Still, it was hard not to feel inadequate. Though Camie never said it outright, Katsuki knew this wasn't her first time. Her experience spoke for itself.

Camie caressed the side of Katsuki's face. "The first time is never perfect. That's what practice is for."

Katsuki snorted. "I like the sound of that."

He then captured her in a short but tender kiss. Katsuki preferred these to their hot and heavy ones, though he'd never object to the latter. But these gentle touches, the ones that broke down the walls that guarded Katsuki's heart little by little, were easily his favorite.


Katsuki adjusted their positions so Camie was on top of him, her face buried in the crook of his neck. The smell of her Victoria's Secret perfume enchanted him as he kissed her hair. Arms wrapped around her waist, he held her close, wishing life could always be this perfect.

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