"Can't reach?"

621 16 18

A/N I know this is supposed to be an imagine that you can put yourself in, but for the purposes of this one, you are very short. Sorry if you're actually tall, just pretend for a minute.

I glance up at the clock on the wall, a luxury that only the kitchen and Med-Bay has, and quickly finish up my current projects. If I can clean up fast enough, I'll still be able to meet my boyfriend, the title still sends shivers up my spine, as he gets back from the Maze. 

"In a rush?" Jeff leans against the door frame and grins knowingly at me.

I roll my eyes, but he and I both know that I love him like a brother. "Oh hush. If you're not going to help me, then go away."

Jeff, being a good friend, helps me organize the bandages and such, but his mischievous grin never fades. 

"Thanks! See ya, J!" I exclaim as I skip out of the Homestead. The sun fades from the sky in kaleidoscope of pink, orange, and faded purple. Always the same beautiful sunset, I think as I stare at the star-like glimmer in the far left corner of the East wall. The consistency is almost too perfect for nature, but I shrug off the thought as I reach the door to Minho's section.

My lips twitch up in a grin. Turning the corner of the Maze, a fuzzy blob of blue, black, and tan moves towards me. I wave and Minho picks up speed to greet me.

"Hi," he says as he reaches me, his voice alluringly low.

I wrap my arms around his waist. "Hi," I reply shyly. My head tilts up, lips puckered, and stand up on my tiptoes.

"Can't reach?" Minho says, grinning.

I glare. "Give me a hand, why don't you?"

He lifts his suntanned hand from the small of my back and offers it out to me.

"I'm serious!" I exclaim, slapping his hand down. "Help a girl out!"

Minho only laughs, an unrestrained melodic sound. "If you want these lips, you gotta earn them."

"Excuse me?" My hands withdraw from around his waist and find their way to my own hips, matching the sass in my raised eyebrows.

"You heard me, Y/N. If you really want a kiss, come get it." He shrugs impishly.

I sigh. "Newt wouldn't do this to me. Perhaps I chose the wrong Glader." I spin around on my heel to hide my grin and start heading towards the Gardens.

"Hey! Newt doesn't have my hair! I know you love my hair!" Minho protests, "He's not any shorter than me anyway!"

I roll my eyes and continue towards the Garden, hollering behind me, "Do you know how romantic it is for a girl to be lifted into the air for a kiss? Newt is the perfect height for that. So are you but..."

Minho starts moving forward, the warmth of his hands grazing my waist as he attempts to catch me, but I wriggle out of his grasp and break into a run.

"Y/N- oof!" Minho's call is cut short when I spin back to face him while he's off gaurd and leap on top of him, wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling him to the ground on top of me in the soft grass.

"I believe you owe me something that I've earned."

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