Mystery and Massage

355 15 18

Dedicated to lexibunnygirl08 😉She knows why

"This job will be the death of me!" I exclaim, plopping down on the picnic bench and dramatically splaying my limbs out as my head falls onto the nearest Glader's, Newt's, lap.

Newt pays me no attention, quite used to my drama, however the other boy at the table speaks up. "Why's that?"

My head shoots back up with renewed energy so I can glare at the Medjack. "Because I have to bend over plants all day, Clint! Tomorrow I'll probably be a permanent hunchback!"

I hear a scoff and glance in it's direction to see Gally walking by with his food. Our eyes meet and he glares at me to which I reply with a nasty expression. He looks down and continues walking.

"What's his problem?" I ask, annoyance dripping from my words like saliva on the jowels of a dog.

"Probably jealous that you're on my lap, not his." Newt answers, pushing me off.

I raise my eyebrows. "Excuse me? I don't think that shank wants me anywhere near him! Let alone on him!" I exclaim, settling back down with my arms crossed over my stomach.

Clint shrugs, leaning over his soup. "He's always got a problem, but Newt's right. He seems to have a thing for you."

"Nuh-uh!" I say. What was wrong with these two? They had to see how much Gally hated me. Ever since day one, he'd given me constant side eyes and was always bumping into me. "He'd rather kiss Minho's feet than have anything to do with me!"

"Who's kissing my feet?"

I pinch my nose. "Not me, that's for sure!" At the same time as Newt says, "Gally, according to Y/N here."

"Alright," Minho shrugs nonchalanatly. "Don't you worry, Gal!" He shouts. "The dogs are nice and toasty, just for you!"

I gag when the shoes are removed as proof and scramble for my footing, disappearing inside the Homestead commons area.


The door creaks open and I peek up from my hiding spot on one of the wooden benches.

"Oh, it's you." I sink back down. "What do you want?"

Gally bites his lip nervously and I'm suprised that he seems to have any feelings besides anger. "Your back ok?" He mutters.

"Er, yeah I guess," I mumble, startled out of words by his sudden concern. When I realized what I'd said and the lack of truth behind it, I retry. "No, actually. It seriously hurts like heck. I need a different job."

The stocky boy takes my openness as an invitation and leaves the safety of the doorway to join me at the benches. "We could use more Bricknicks. Bet Alby would let you switch if you laid on the charms some more rather than acting like one of the boys."

"Yeah, maybe," I answer catiously. He must want something from me or he wouldn't be this nice. "Wait, are you saying there's something wrong with me fitting in with the guys?"


No, no," he professes, shaking his head. "Of course, not. I'm just saying that you could get just about anything you'd like, being the only girl and all..."

I squint at him. "Huh. You could be right." I shrug, scanning his blue-hazel eyes for malice. "All I'd really like right now is a back massage. I wasn't kidding about that."

I chuckle softly, but instead of joining me, Gally stands and pulls a stool up behind me. His hands press my shoulders gently, startling a chill to run down my arms. I suck in a breath as his strong hands move in circles down my spine.

What is happening? I close my eyes and bite my lip to keep from smiling too widely. "You're actually really good at this."

"Don't sound so surprised," he chuckles. The warmth of his breath tickles my neck and leaks heat into my cheeks. I hope he can't hear my heart beating fast.

"You are a man of mysteries, Gally. I'll never stop being surprised by you," I tease. I mean every word of it though. The whole encounter was so unexpected.

His hands move expertly across my back as he says quielty, "I hope you get to be the one to unravel them, Y/N."

My eyes pop open at his words and I turn around to face him, but he's already disappearing through the Homestead door. My stomach provides the dance floor for a ballet of butterflies. What just happened and why did I not hate it?

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