Singing in the Shower

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*A/N don't be scared off by the title, this does not contain smut. I want all my readers to be comfortable reading my writing! Thanks tmr_bookworm250 for the idea! Sorry it's taken so long to write!*

I smile softly as my ears are blessed by the sound of karaoke around the bonfire. The Gladers sing my favorite song loudly and boisterously as well as a little- who am I kidding- a lot pitchy. I love these boys like brother's but they could use a singing lesson or two. My head throbs from a migrane.

I tap Newt's knee where he's seated beside me. "Hey, I'm going to take a shower. Will you make sure no pesky boys follow?" The smokey scent clings  to my greasy hair.

"Yeah, of course. I'll come with you!" Newt realizes his mistake the moment the words spill from his mouth. "N- not like that. I just meant that I'll guard the door..." he stutters.

I chuckle. He's adorable when flustered. "Thanks Newt."

I bite my lip and turn my face away from his as we walk to the shower hut. I slip inside and Newt seats himself in front of the door. They really need locks for this place, but until then, Newt will have to do. I'm not complaining.

I slip out of my clothes and pull the curtain taut as I step inside the stall. Warm water trickles down my back and over the skin of my face. As the droplets fall to the ground, so too do my insecurities and anxiety. I'm finally free.

*Newt's POV*

The splintered wood of the shower hut porch sticks into my legs, but I don't budge. Y/N asked me to keep watch for her, so I do. I can't blame her for wanting extra security. I love the boys like my own, but I don't trust them to be responsible enough to leave her alone.

"Run boy run! This world is not made for you!" Y/N's voice floats through the walls. Somehow the song is familiar but eternally better coming from her mouth. She may not be a professional singer, but to my ears, she's an angel.

"Tomorrow is another day and you won't have to hide away," Y/N sings.

"But for now," I add my voice into her chorus softly at first but as her voice fills with passion, mine does too. "It's time to run, it's time to run!"

Suddenly, she stops singing along with me and the sound of water beating onto the ground halts. Color fills my cheeks. She must've heard. Gosh, I'm such a creep. I mentally slam my fist into my forehead. I'm an idiot.

"Newt?" Y/N stands in the doorway, fully clothed but with her y/h/l hair wrapped in a white towel.

"Hm?" I turn around, stumbling to my feet.

A shy smile spreads onto her face. "Were you... singing with me?"

"Er- I- " My face is burning a vibrant red.

"It's alright," Y/N says. "You have a great voice."

My blush only grows. "Thanks, yours is... incredible."

Now it's her turn to blush. Y/N bites her lip, an adorable habit I've noticed when she's nervous. "Thank you. For keeping guard. And-" She cuts herself off. "Yeah. I'mjustgoingtogotobednow. Goodnight." Y/N's words jumble together as she anxiously slips out to the Homestead.

I watch her go and my embarrassment remains, but my stomach flutters. A smile tugs at my lips. Gosh, I'm so hopelessly in love with her.

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