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"I'm so stupid" I mumbled "I'm a freaking dumb...ugh I don't even know!!"

"You're not dumb!" Lake consoled, offering me the remainder of her cheesecake. We returned to our lunch table miserable, and guilty for not doing our best. "You just lack motivation"

"She's right. My dad would kill me if he found out about my grades though, you know Asians" Mina groaned.

Lake and I laughed. Mina doesn't seem offended by stereotypes, in fact, she found it funny.

"What's so funny?" A familiar voice said. We turned in our seats to find Shawn staring at us bemused. Lake rolled her eyes and ignored him. The laughter died down and the table seemed quiet amidst the noisy cafeteria.

"Oh wow, guess who decided to show up" Lake said, voice dripping with sarcasm. "I thought you were with your new best friends?"

Shawn chuckled, ruffled Lake's hair, and took a seat. Mina was watching them with a weary eye, but only I seemed to notice that. "Are you guys mad at me for not hanging out with you lately?" He asks, grinning widely. "I can't believe it. You're jealous aren't you?"

"Am not!" Both Mina and Lake exclaimed. Mina turned beet red as Lake and Shawn continued bickering. It was not long until I found myself laughing alongside them as well.

The shrill screaming of our school bell jolted me awake. I lifted my head from my desk as the teacher was finishing up. Great, I've missed another lecture. I don't mean to sleep in class. But sometimes, my eyes droop beyond my control and the next thing I know, I'm drooling on my desk. Thank goodness it was the last subject.

I dash out of the classroom in a hurry. Out of nowhere, my arm was yanked and I turned to see Bryce Matthews, with a dimpled smile and shining eyes. He was really friendly and, quite often, clingy.

"Hey Tris" he started "I was wondering if you had plans today?"

"Uh Bryce-" I checked my wristwatch for emphasis "I really want to go home."

He still held on to my arm. "I could walk you home if you want" his blue eyes were hopeful. I couldn't resist the puppy dog look on his face so I hesitantly agreed.

"So I saw your results in the mock exam last week"

My cheeks heated up in embarrassment. "You don't need to remind me-"

"No no I'm not trying to embarrass you!!" He chuckled "I was trying to say if you need any help, you know you can ask me"

I returned his smile. Bryce had followed me all throughout high school, ever since freshman year. Not that it was annoying. It was actually really sweet. But I thought nothing of him more than a friend, and I know he thinks the same way about me.

"Oh uh thanks. Seriously, Bryce you don't have to walk with me all the way home"

"I insist!! Why in such a hurry though?"

"I'm going to help my dad with the new house, there are boxes that need-"

"I'll help!" He half-shouted, quite enthusiastically, in my ear. I nearly jolted out of my skin.

"Okay" I agreed. I can't really say no because it might ruin his day. So we walked to my house making small talk and surprisingly, I had fun.

As we walked through the porch and the front door I called my dad who was probably in the kitchen.

"Bryce!! Nice to see you" he greeted him warmly. I immediately went to the kitchen to set up the table. Every afternoon, my dad takes a break from the restaurant he works. He prepares our early dinner.

After I put down the plates for three, I called them over and we began to eat. The pasta was delicious as expected. I ate in silence but the two boys had a long conversation. Mostly it was about cooking, baseball, and boy stuff. Suddenly, the attention was on me.

"So, does Tris have a boyfriend already?"

It caused Bryce to choke on his food while I let out a small giggle. I told him no and he looked at me suspiciously.

"I wasn't asking you, Tris. Bryce?"

"No, Sir. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a boyfriend yet." He answered, wiping his mouth with a table napkin. I looked at him amusingly. He was blushing and he couldn't meet my gaze; his eyes were darting from the paintings on the wall to his food.

"Would you keep an eye on her for me?" My dad had a twinkle in his eyes. He always joked about these things, and he loved lingering in the topic. "It's quite surprising she hasn't got a boyfriend yet, isn't it?"

"She's beautiful, Sir. And she's very kind. She may not be the brightest but-" Bryce piped in, but I cut him off. His head was bent down but I could see a blush forming his cheeks

"Oh shut up Bryce!" I exclaimed. "Dad lets unload the boxes"

I loaded the plates in the dishwasher and left it there. That task would have to wait. I joined the boys in the living room, where small and big boxes alike were scattered around. While Bryce took some boxes in the attic, my Dad whispered "Why isn't he your boyfriend yet?"

My dad was always curious about my non-existent love life. He says he has to approve of the boy first before anything else.

I looked at him as if it was the most ridiculous question I've ever heard. "Where just friends" I whispered back "I don't like him that way"

"You sure Beatrice?"

I nodded, and as if on cue, Bryce came barreling down the room to continue his work. An hour passed and everything seemed in their respective places; picture frames, paintings, even my refrigerator magnets. I caught Dad tearing up a bit and my heart soared. Ever since my mom's death he saved every penny he earned on my education and on buying a house. It may not be very big but we were only two and it was enough for us. He proudly hung the last piece from the boxes, my mother's last painting, and hung it on the wall. That's when Dad lost his chill and broke down crying. I hugged him tightly and knew that it was all happy tears. Bryce was awkwardly standing there, a friendly smile on his face.

"Bryce!! Get in!!" I beckoned him to join our group hug. He hesitantly put an arm around Dad but it soon turned into a full-on hug. It may not be much, but it was all we had and it's ours only; not like that shoebox apartment we lived in the Upper State Street. This is the house my Dad worked on for years, and finally since my mom's death, it felt like home.


HEYYYY PLEASE VOTE HUEHUE 😂 I don't believe in quotas so yeah. Pleaaaase bear with me tho!!! More action soon 😃

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