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Veronica Lake was a statuesque model, a beautiful blonde bombshell with long legs that seem to go on forever. I met her when she still had glasses and braces; those days when she dyed her hair black and wore long skirts. It seemed so long ago when she was a gawky-too-tall-for-her-age kind of girl. She was picked on for being too tall for a middle schooler, but I didn't mind because she had an amazing personality.

Then, on the first day of high school, she surprised everyone by strutting down the hallways looking strikingly like a Victoria's Secret model, minus the lingerie. Lake and Shawn were best friends longer than I've known them both. Shawn was a musician who loved his singing and brings his guitar everywhere, which I found quite ridiculous because Mina always joked that it was "already attached to his body".

It was not a surprise to find Lake and Shawn waiting for us at the classroom.

"What took you so long?" asked Lake, who was wearing baggy jeans and a sweatshirt and still managed to look stunning.

Before I could open my mouth, Mina giggled "I found her staring at nothing in the hallway" she made a gesture that suggested I was crazy, "The usual, lost in dreamland"

"CameronLand you mean?" Shawn joked, absentmindedly strumming his guitar "Seriously, when are you getting over your petty crush?"

Lake laughed "It's not just a crush, it's an obsession"

"It's love" I argued, defending my dignity "I love him"

The three of them shook their heads sympathetically. I've been told that I'm like a pathetic puppy dog, chasing after someone who had no idea I exist. They tell me that he probably doesn't even notice me when we pass by each other in the hallway, and he'll probably never know my name. I've memorized the downsides of my unrequited love, but somehow I still managed to hope that he'll love me back. I just have to get him to notice me.

"I'm giving the letter today" I muttered "I finally have the courage."

Shawn put down his guitar and stared at me as if I've gone insane, which I have, "Your letter isn't going to make him love you, Tris. Trust me it's not gonna work"

"Oh shush you!" Lake exclaimed "Let's support her no matter what happens, okay? Tell you what: we'll help you slip it in his locker, right guys?" She glared at them with intensity and they nodded as if their lives depended on it.

After Advanced Algebra (I failed the pop quiz) and Chemistry (Got a zero on a test), it was finally lunch time. Our plan was to simply excuse ourselves early and to drop off the letter at his locker. The only problem was his locker was at the East Wing of our school, and we were currently in the West. If we don't get there soon there'd be a swarm of students rushing to the main cafeteria and we'd be seen. There is an unwritten rule that Class 7 students are not allowed in that part of the building, mainly because 1.) We were noisy 2.) People took studies there so seriously you don't dare to talk and disturb them. 3.) You feel kinda dumber in their too-smart-to-even-breathe-in-the-same-air presence.

Here we were, briskly walking through the quiet hall 10 minutes before lunch time. We finally arrived in front of his locker, and it was around a minute before the bell rings.
I slid the letter inside without as much as a deep breath, and my friends gave me a pat on the back, sort of a congratulatory gesture. We turned around just as the lunch bell rang and the first students shuffled out of their classrooms.

"You did it. Now all you have to do is wait for a reply" said Lake before stuffing her face with cheesecake. Mina looked at me with a worried expression.

"I have a bad feeling about this" she said "Shawn's right. I don't think it'll work the way you want it to"

"Can you guys look in the bright side? I mean, why do you always have to be so pessimistic?"

Mina shrugged. She continued poking around her food. With an exasperated sigh she asked "Where's Shawn?"

Lake rolled her eyes "Those stupid soccer dimwits invited him for lunch, Shawn didn't even think twice before saying yes. What a kiss-ass" she then continued to stab her cheesecake.

"Don't you guys think this is becoming a regular thing?" Mina's voice sounded concerned. Her eyes scanned the cafeteria for Shawn and immediately found him on the jocks' table.

"It should be refreshing to have guy friends for once. I honestly was starting to think he was gay" I defended.

Mina blushed "Is he?"

Before I could answer, students started getting up from their seats to run to the bulletin board at the back.

"Looks like the results are in. Yippee" someone among the crowd said. Last week we had a mock exam to test our ranking, and I had a feeling I didn't get high marks on this one. Sure enough, as I searched my name I was listed as 26th to the last. We were in the "Needs Improvement" rank.

I sighed. I know you think I'm dumb, because I am. I really don't know how to study and I barely even passed last year if it weren't for my extra-curriculars. But Cameron...he scored perfect again! He was the only one in our school to constantly get full marks on every single test. I smiled. This might be bittersweet after all.


Crappy chapter sorry :(

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