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Stolen Kiss
Chapter 1
I stared into the woods until the sun set; an explosion of pink and orange and purple across the sky. It was a bit stuffy inside and the violin quartet was not calming me down. At least the air outside was cool. My hothead was back to normal temperature, but that doesn't mean I already forgot about that bitch-witch.
Who does she think she is?

"If you don't like it here, why don't you just leave?"

I jumped at the voice. It belonged to non other than Mr. Soccer prodigy, Cameron Dallas

"I can't really miss an opportunity to eat free food" I said nonchalantly. I was a bit surprised he wasn't with his overly obsessed clingy girlfriend. I looked around to make sure she wasn't lurking behind him, ready to claw my eyes out. She wasn't.

"What are you you looking for?" He tried to follow my gaze.

"Uh no one. You could go back to your party now"

He sighed "Are you really this annoying?"
I contorted my face into a look of pure frustration. This insolent snob! Why does he have to treat everyone as if we're below him?

"I'm not the party type"

I scoffed. "Really now?"
He glared daggers. He then took a sip of his drink, which I haven't noticed till now. I guess it's one of his parents' expensive sparkling champagne. The smell of his perfume slowly intoxicated me as I realized he was only a foot away. I nervously glanced at him from my peripheral vision. He was staring deeply into the thick woods much like I did a few moments ago. I realized I might be disturbing his peace.
"I better go" I say quietly, much to myself. I was actually hoping he'd object, or ask me to stay. But he merely nodded.
Apart from the clickity-clackity of my heels, I walked out silently.
1 week before

The sun kissed my tan skin as I lay on the quiet beach of exotic Boracay. Philippines were degrees higher in terms of temperature, yet I wouldn't mind a slight sun burn for a perfect tan.

The resort provided an isolated shore, away from all the families and tourists crowding the other part of the island. Only a few were milling around just like me, and I found it exquisite.
The only sounds were the waves crashing and some children playing in the sand. Peaceful, relaxing, serene-

Now I'm in the water. I don't know how fast I got here; just a second ago I was lying on a beach towel. I was wallowing waist deep in the salty blue water. I concluded that going much further would result to stepping on an underwater creature yet to be discovered, which is one of my true fears. Suddenly, something grabbed my waist and I came plummeting down the water. I stood up quickly since there might be a risk of stepping of a sea urchin; another one of my fears. After shamelessly sputtering water and wiping my stinging eyes, I finally got a glimpse of the stupid ass prankster who thought it was funny.

It was hard to see under the harsh glare of the sun, but the silhouette alone of a person doubling over in laughter was enough for me to know who it was.

Cameron Dallas, his perfect smile and beautiful abs in full glory. To say that I was surprised was an understatement. I was shocked beyond belief; my mouth was hanging open in the most disgraceful way. And to make matters even more perplexing, he took a step forward and snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me too close for comfort. Not that I'm complaining.

"Beatrice" he whispered "you look hot"

OH MY GOD. This can't be real. This cannot be real. And-holy shit- is he leaning down for a kiss? I could see how long his lashes are from here, and his lips! The degree of gorgeousness is unbelievable. Although the sight before me is enticingly, sinfully, too good to be true, I found myself closing my eyes and puckering my lips to meet his kiss-
I woke up to gleaming sunshine on my face. Wow, that was the third dream I had of him this week.

Today is the day I suddenly thought.

My heart immediately thumped in my chest.
I ran to the bathroom and took a long bath, making sure that every part of my skin is as clean and spotless as possible. After the bath I fixed my hair and wore my best clothes, a light pink floral dress.
Sitting on my study desk was the letter. The letter. I smoothed it out and added a spray of my best perfume. You know, for good luck. I smiled at the stationary that I've been saving for years; a rose scented parchment paper that costs about $50 a pack. My mother got it for me for my 10th birthday, and to say that I've been saving it was an understatement. I make sure the paper was always in pristine condition. No tears or moth eaten edges.

"Beatrice!! Beatriiiiiice!" My dad called from downstairs.

""Coming dad!" I screamed back. I shoved the paper (carefully) inside my bag and took one last glance at the mirror. You can do this, Tris.


Cameron Dallas: the sound of his name alone can make all of Woodrow Private High School's female population swoon. He was perfect, literally, in everything he does. From brains to beauty, to booty, you name it.
And his eyes; his warm chocolate brown eyes are enough to make my heart melt. He's the smartest and most intelligent in our school! Earning 500 points in every test and mock exam, he already has scholarships and internships waiting for him.

What I hated the most was that he was popular amongst the girls. Why wouldn't he be?
My thoughts were interrupted as I my father drove over another sharp speed bump. He looked at me apologetically

"Sorry dear, I got a lot on my mind today".
I patted him on the shoulder comfortingly

"It's alright dad" I smiled " you can do it"
He smiled in return. The butterflies in my stomach returned as we neared the school. Students were swarming the place like a normal Monday morning. It was about 15 minutes before first bell.
With a good luck kiss from my dad, I jumped out of the minivan and joined the sea of people. My eyes immediately scanned the crowd for my best friends, who were nowhere to be found.

I found myself pushing and shoving my way through; after an elbow to the stomach and a handful of shoulder shoves, I finally arrived at my locker. Standing there and clutching my (still godawful painful) stomach, I slouched against the bright red surface. I closed my eyes as people buzzed around me. Suddenly, voices became louder and some excited squeals were let out.

"Oh my god did you see what he's wearing today?" A girl beside me said dreamily

My head snapped to the direction of the ruckus. Apparently, some celebrity was walking down the hallway; and that celebrity was none other than Mr. Soccer Prodigy himself. My stomach did somersaults again and I bit my lip to prevent squealing myself.

I can feel his appeal even if he's meters away, surrounded by other people. The bag carrying the letter seemed heavier than it was moments ago.

As he (with the atrocious crowd of hormonal teenagers) walked nearer, my heart beat faster than it was humanly possible. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as he finally passed where I was standing. I stood there for a full five minutes, entranced in my own world.

"Earth to Tris" somebody snapped a finger in front of my face "Tris!!"

Mina was glaring at me now. She was as impatient as an obese woman waiting in line at a McDonald's.

"Huh?" I asked, still dazed.
She rolled her eyes as if this happens all the time. It does.

"I was asking if you want to come with me and Lake to get ice cream?"

"I have to help my Dad with the new house, sorry"

Her face morphed into a look of disappointment, but quickly regained a smile and nodded.

"So have you given the letter?" She asks again. She wiggles her eyebrows in such a ridiculous manner I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

I felt my cheeks heat up as my blood rushed to my face. Mina knows I have a huge crush (obsession more likely) on Mr. Soccer Prodigy. I linked my arm into hers and walked to our classroom.

"Maybe later. Let's go find Lake and Shawn"


Woo first chapter!!!

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