Voice of the JTF

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-Somewhere in Manhattan: 30 minutes ago-

Mark Raxton walks alone through the cold wearing a white winter hoodie and blue jeans, probably taken from an abandoned thrift shop. So many thoughts lingered in his head as he looks to the sky for Spider-Man. He felt an invisible timer ticking down, not sure if he had weeks, days, or hours left before his sister succumbs to the Green Poison. It's a shame he has to take out Spider-Man to save her. In his mind, Spider-Man's probably a good person trying to do the right thing, but he's onto something dangerous and it would be a shame if he ruined what AIM is trying to do; to take the city and usher a new age under their rule. He shrugged to himself about AIM's goals to take over the city amidst of the chaos and warzone on the streets. All he cares about his sister.

He walks through an alleyway underneath the tracks of a subway bridge, hoping to find someone who knows where they've last seen Spider-Man or a pair of people with fancy watches on their wrists. But would that draw suspicion on him, leading to his inevitable failure to save his stepsister? A.I.M made it clear that he had two options, to get the job done or not come back at all. He reaches the ladder that would give him access to the apartment and it would take him to the rooftop.

Just then, he hears someone making a creepy catcall whistle behind him. He snaps his head around and spots a group of men in hoodies and winter coats brandishing baseball bats, handheld SMGs, and other weapons as they approach him slowly like a pack of wolves stalking a rabbit. The leader pulls out his bat and snickers as he points at Mark. Mark turns his body around and clenches his fists.

"This one is not running or begging." The Rioter leader sneers. "Interesting..."

"Come on!" Mark shouts with a growl as he clenches his fists. He closes his eyes to concentrate on turning into Molten Man. However, nothing happened. He opens his eyes to see the Rioters haven't backed off and are starting to surround him. He closes his eyes again, hoping to change his form at will, making the rioters stop momentarily.

"This one is into it." A rioter daredevil remarks with a slight tone of remorse. She nearly felt sorry of robbing a man who didn't seem to have much. "I doubt he's got something on him. Let's just go."

"The screw up thinks he's tough." The leader laughs as he disregards his subordinate. "Phil, Alex, whack him."

Mark opens his eyes and sees the Rioters begin to surround him. He puts his fits up as he continues to concentrate on changing his form. A rioter charges forward with a baseball bat and swings. Mark ducks under and punches his attacker below the belt. The leader yells at his squad to go after him as Alex ducked over in pain. Mark turns around to run as he continues to concentrate on his will to transform into Molten Man. However, nothing seems to be working.

Up on a faraway roof, an A.I.M. agent in the yellow beekeeper suit was looking down at the scene unfolding. He'd been ordered by Monica to keep an eye on him to make sure he's not only safe, but not doing something that A.I.M. didn't want him to do. Seeing now is a good time for Molten Man to come out, he presses the button on a remote quickly. Just then, there was a scream followed by a mixture of shouting and gunfire coming from the streets below. The man in the beekeeper suit turns around and creates a portal to take him back to base.

-Somewhere else in New York-

Oliver walks with Spider-Man and explain what happened at the Napalm Production facility, from when they took on Ferro and his massive flamethrower to putting an end to the leader of the Cleaners. Oliver recounts how the watchtower had been blown up by the explosives the Cleaners set in place, and it was Ferro who had the detonator all along and blew the watchtower up with his own hand, forcing the agents to leave without him. Spider-Man's lenses close for a moment and rubs his head, making John move up to the web slinger.

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