The Racing II

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"Don't touch me" as quickly as he'd said that he is zoooming off again, and also, I am the snail again, but sadly, I don't have a motorbike. There is nothing I can do now but try and catch up with him, or ketchup, since he still has some on his face.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you-"

"Yeah, you want to annoy me-"

"No, I only want to apologise-"

"You're probably tricking me, because as soon as I stop running you'll throw more burgers at me"

"I don't have any burgers, OK," although I wish I did all this running's making me hungry. Ketchup face turned around and splattered to a stop after noticing I had both hands up and no burgers (I say it again, I wish I had one, though).

After a lot of crashing into each other and trying to catch our breath, we finally make conversation.

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